Marvel Database

Appearing in "Demolished"

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Synopsis for "Demolished"

Rock Murdock and Scuttlebutt Stacy are part of a group of soldiers fighting communist troops on their way to liberate the Korean town of Shingla, the oldest city in the south, using a log to bowl through the outside defences.

Seeing the approaching American troops, the commanding officer of the communist forces orders his men to destroy Shingla. When the American forces arrive Rock and Scuttlebutt help fight off the enemy and force them into retreat. Surveying the damage done by the communists, they get a map from an elderly Korean man of that shows the design of the town as it was originally constructed.

Rock and the others then go out and capture the enemy soldiers and then force them to rebuild Shangla to its former glory.

Appearing in "One-Man Mission!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "One-Man Mission!"

War story.

Appearing in "The Rifle Range!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Rifle Range!"

Boot-Camp Brady teaches his new recruits how to shoot rifles and teaches them the history of rifles in the American military.

Appearing in "The Red Target!"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Red Target!"

War story.

Appearing in "Stop the Commie Convoy!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Chinese soldiers

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Stop the Commie Convoy!"

Rock Murdock has jumped up on the top of a communist truck to stop it. As the truck approaches a cliff, Scuttlebutt Stacy warns Rock of the approaching danger and he jumps off the roof of the truck with a prisoner as the truck drives off a cliff. They spot a communist convoy heading that way, and their prisoner pulls a gun and takes them prisoner.

The two American soldiers are taken to the convoy where the commanding officer forces them to drive two trucks. Rock and Scuttlebutt then decide to escape, driving their trucks off the road and manage to escape the enemy gunfire.

Driving to a ridge above the approaching convoy, they discover the back of their trucks are full of land mines and spare tires. Rock and Scuttlebutt then load the land mines into the ties and roll them down the hill at the convoy, destroying all the trucks. With the enemy convoy destroyed, the two Americans walk back to base.

See Also

Links and References

