Marvel Database

Quote1 The mystical energy of the universe must be shared among all who understand its use, according to their relative skills! Unfortunately, the trend toward mysticism begun in your era reached its zenith in mine! Three-fourths of mankind use magic in their daily lives-- so none of us could control much power! Quote2

Appearing in "Time Doom"

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Synopsis for "Time Doom"

Traveling through time, Dr. Strange attempts to stop Baron Mordo from altering history, however when Strange fails to stop him in the time stream, he travels to where Mordo is intended to go, 18th Century France. Traveling there and meeting with Cagliostro, Cagliostro is unconcerned with other mens affairs and departs. Strange then decides to pose as Cagliostro, and when Mordo arrives in that time, Strange attacks him and is able to defeat his old foe.

However, the ruse is ended when the "real" Cagliostro appears, and reveals himself to be a sorcerer from the 40th Century who intends to travel back to the beginning of time to accumulate enough mystical power to become a god. After defeating Strange in combat, Sise-Neg then departs to meet his destiny, when Strange asks Mordo for help, Mordo flatly refuses and returns to the present, leaving Strange to deal with this problem alone.


  • Cover art: pencils, inks and colours by Brunner.[1]

See Also

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