Marvel Database

Appearing in "From Out of Nowhere"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "From Out of Nowhere"

Two alien beings from another dimension make contact with an Earth scholar in order to learn about humans and signal an invasion. The scholar teaches them good emotions so well that the aliens in effect become human and abandon their original plan for conquest and instead set out to explore the beauty of this dimension.

Appearing in "Swap Shop"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Swap Shop"

Pluto contacts Earth through a fish tank because the planet has a gas problem. The man working at the observatory places a bit of uranium in the tank and the Plutoians receive it teleported to them. They use it to cause an atomic explosion in space which solves their gas problem.

Appearing in "The Spelunker"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Spelunker"

Jeff discovers an underground city of listless individuals and rejects their way of life.

Appearing in "The Last Chance"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Last Chance"

Arthur dreams of being a star but being a selfless actor the years go by and he finds himself not getting ahead in the business. When a fire breaks out in the theater Arthur sacrifices himself to get others out and becomes a new star shinning in the heavens.

Appearing in "The Iron Brain"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Iron Brain"

Jeffrey builds a robot which deprives people of their livelihood until it sues Jeffrey for its earnings and, since the jury consists of people made redundant, it wins reducing Jeffrey to poverty.

See Also

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