Marvel Database

Quote1 Would you literally kill me if I said you're the hero Jersey City deserves? Quote2
Bruno Carrelli

Appearing in "Super Famous: Part 3 of 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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  • Ms. Marvel's Suit
  • Automated Crowd Dispersal Device
  • Crowd Dispersal Weapon
  • Nanotech Aerosol (First appearance)
  • Nanotech Beverages (Mentioned)
  • Disruptive protein (First appearance)

Synopsis for "Super Famous: Part 3 of 3"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• SPOILER ALERT: The agents at HOPE YARDS DEVELOPMENT aren’t actually interested in real estate.

• Turns out, the development company that co-opted Ms. Marvel’s face has been busy brainwashing the people of Jersey City…including BRUNO!

• Can Kamala find a way to save her city and her best friend from being mindless gentrified automatons?

See Also

Links and References

