Marvel Database


Early Life[]

Oberon's early years are shrouded in the mists of legend and folklore, steeped in the ancient traditions of Avalon in the Otherworld. Oberon's ascent to the throne of the faeries remains a mystery, with tales whispering of his lineage tracing back to the primordial forces that shaped Otherworld. Ruling from the Fairy Hillfort, in a region known as Fairyland, deep within the Forest of a Thousand Sorrows of Avalon. Oberon's innate connection to the collective unconsciousness of the British Isles became apparent, imbuing him with a deep understanding of mortal desires and fears. Upon ascending to the throne of the faeries, Oberon embarked on a quest to unify the disparate factions of his realm, establishing the Seelie Court as a bastion of light and benevolence amidst the shadows of Otherworld's darker regions.[2]

Oberon's union with the Fairy Queen Titania stands as a testament to the enduring bonds of love and partnership in the realm of the faeries. Theirs was a union forged in the fires of destiny, intertwining their fates for centuries to come. As King and Queen of the Faeries, Oberon and Titania ruled over their kingdom in Otherworld with grace and majesty, their reign marked by an unparalleled harmony that echoed through the enchanted glens and shimmering forests of their realm. Their union was blessed with many children, each one a testament to the depth of their love and the legacy they sought to build for future generations.[2]

16th century[]

Oberon's name echoes through the corridors of literary history, immortalized in the works of William Shakespeare. Best known for his portrayal in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Oberon captivated audiences with his ethereal presence and enigmatic charm. Shakespeare's rendition of Oberon, though imbued with a sense of whimsy and romance, merely scratches the surface of the faerie king's true nature.

Modern Age[]

He had a daughter named Tink, she found herself exiled from her celestial homeland to dwell among mere mortals. Banished from the enchanted realm of Avalon, Tink's once-idyllic existence was abruptly uprooted, plunging her into the unfamiliar and often perplexing world of humans. [2]

Treaty with the United Kingdom[]

Oberon (Earth-616) from Wisdom Vol 1 1 002

Kidnapping a cabinet minister's child.

In the 21st century, the collective psyche of the British populace grew increasingly burdened by negative emotions, casting a shadow over Otherworld. Within this troubled atmosphere, the once-pure denizens of Fairyland found themselves ensnared by the tendrils of corruption. Influenced by the potent brew of mortal rage and fear, some faeries succumbed to malevolence, forsaking their benevolent nature to sow chaos within the earthly realm. Even Oberon, the revered monarch of the fae, was not immune to these unsettling shifts. As the dark currents of human emotions seeped into Otherworld, Oberon's demeanor underwent a profound transformation. In a drastic act reflective of his altered state, he imprisoned his beloved wife, Queen Titania, within a mountain, growing increasingly untamed in her absence. The repercussions of his actions rippled further as their spirited daughter, Tink, faced exile to the Earth realm as punishment for her unruliness.

Oberon (Earth-616) from Wisdom Vol 1 1 0001

Trying to build a bridge between worlds

Amidst these escalating tensions, the situation reached a critical juncture when Oberon brazenly abducted the child of a prominent British cabinet minister, harboring intentions of raising the child as a bridge between the two disparate worlds. Faced with this brazen affront, the British paranormal intelligence agency, MI13, swiftly mobilized its operatives to confront the encroaching faerie threat. However, as the specter of war loomed large, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. MI13 operative Pete Wisdom, recognizing the necessity for diplomacy in quelling the escalating crisis, embarked on a daring gambit. In a move that defied expectations, Wisdom entered into an arranged marriage with Oberon's spirited daughter, Tink, forging an unorthodox alliance between Fairyland and Britain. Thus, through the union of Pete Wisdom and Tink, a new covenant emerged, offering a glimmer of hope in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.[2]

Oberon (Earth-616) from Wisdom Vol 1 6 002

Martian Invasion[]

The covenant established between Oberon's faeries and the United Kingdom proved to be a formidable alliance in times of crisis, particularly when Earth faced invasion by extradimensional Martian Masters. As the threat loomed large over Britain, Oberon and his faeries answered the call to arms, rallying alongside their newfound allies to repel the otherworldly invaders. With Oberon's leadership and the faeries' innate magical prowess, they stood as stalwart defenders against the Martian onslaught, thwarting the extra-terrestrial threat and safeguarding the realm from destruction.[4]

Oberon (Earth-616) from Wisdom Vol 1 6 003

Merlin's Madness[]

In another harrowing ordeal, the fabric of Otherworld itself came under siege when the legendary sorcerer Merlin succumbed to madness and launched a devastating assault. As chaos reigned and the very essence of magic trembled, Oberon emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil. With his unwavering resolve and mastery over the mystical forces of Otherworld, Oberon played a pivotal role in thwarting Merlin's dark ambitions. Following the sorcerer's defeat, Oberon wielded his authority to banish Merlin to the "dark realms," ensuring that the malevolent threat was contained and Otherworld remained safeguarded from further harm.

Secret Invasion[]

Subsequently, when the realm's magic was usurped by invading Skrull, Oberon once again stood as a defender of Otherworld. With Pete Wisdom's assistance, Merlin was released from the dark realms, his untainted magic proving instrumental in repelling the Skrull invaders.[5]


Power Grid[7]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Single Form of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Multiple Types:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Warp:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Gifted


As a Fairy from Avalon, Oberon possesses many of the powers inherent to fairies. However, as the king of the fairies, many of these attributes are significantly superior than those possessed by the majority of his race.


  • Knowledge in Magic: Oberon possesses skills and abilities in mystics and magics.[6]
  • Skilled Combatant: Oberon is a skilled unarmed combatant.[6]
  • Leadership: As the king of the fairies, Oberon possessed great leadership skills.
  • Intellect: Oberon as a gifted intellect.


Like all fairies, Oberon presumably has a weakness to iron and iron-based objects.


See Also

Links and References

