Marvel Database

Appearing in "Chapter Eight"

Featured Characters:

  • Omega the Unknown
  • Titus Alexander Island
  • Amandla

Supporting Characters:

  • Verth / The Overthinker
  • Hugh Gold
  • Roofee (Rufus) and his gang (mentioned)
  • Dean Quiller
  • Frances Fenton
  • Omega (Silliman Renfrew)
  • Rupert
  • Lydia
  • Martinez
  • Buzz
  • Nowhere Man
  • Upward Bell



Synopsis for "Chapter Eight"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The Overthinker sings The Ballad of The Bearded Superhero, while the Fonziebot takes a short walk off a tall skyscraper, and Alex meets the real Nowhere Man and battles robotics professor on the Columbia University quad - all this and more, as the story of Jonathan Lethern and Farel Dalrymple's OMEGA THE UNKNOWN saga appraoches its mad climax!

See Also

Links and References

