Marvel Database

Appearing in "Last Shot Fired"

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Synopsis for "Last Shot Fired"

Jigsaw has found the last remaining Geraci boss, Leslie, and intends to kill her, but Hachiman says it would be dishonorable. They wait for Tombstone to show up, but his driver has been replaced by Frank Castle, who gasses him. When Tombstone awakens he finds himself chained to a wrecking ball. Castle demands to know where the remaining Geracis are and who was hired to kill them all. Tombstone refuses to talk until Castle slams him into a building, and even after he talks, Punisher drops him, still chained to the wrecking ball, into the river to kill him.

Jigsaw taunts Leslie Geraci until Punisher calls to say he’s coming for him. Jigsaw contemplates shooting his hostages but then the Punisher slams right into the theater where they’re holed up. Hachiman stops Firefox from shooting Castle to repay his debt and then flees. Punisher murders Jigsaw’s henchmen and chases him backstage, where he holds Leslie hostage. As he and Frank exchange gunfire he tosses Leslie off of a catwalk. She refuses to endanger Frank by grabbing his hand, and falls hard. Punisher shoots Jigsaw in the head.

Later he sneaks into the hospital to visit Leslie, whose spine is badly injured. He contemplates what he should be fighting for now.

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