Marvel Database

Appearing in "Devourer of the Dead"

Featured Characters:

  • Conan (Joins The Red Hand's crew as second mate)

Supporting Characters:

  • Red Brotherhood
    • The Red Hand's crew (First appearance)}
      • Captain Strombanni (First appearance)
      • Galacus, first mate (First appearance)
      • Unnamed pirates (First appearance; some die)
      • Valeria of the Red Brotherhood (Joins)
  • Lady Morganis of Kordava (First appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Red Brotherhood
    • Benithus (First appearance)
    • Rikko (First appearance)
    • Pythios (First appearance)
    • Numbwit (First appearance)
    • The Hawk's crew (Mentioned)
      • Gonzago (Mentioned)
    • Tranicos's crew (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
      • Tranicos (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
      • Unnamed pirates (Only appearance; all die) (Only in flashback)
  • Sylvara (First appearance)
  • Conan's mother (Mentioned)
  • Carrina (First appearance)
  • Argossean Navy (Mentioned)
  • Zingaran Armada (Mentioned)
  • Jandlinatjari (Main story and recap)
  • Nojingo (Main story and recap)
  • Kuchum (Main story and recap)
  • Li-Zya (Main story and recap)
  • The Sea Pheasant's crew (Mentioned)
  • Nemedian blonde (First appearance)
  • Brythunian brunette (First appearance)
  • Bêlit, Queen of the Black Coast (Mentioned)
  • Stygians (Only appearance; all die) (Only in flashback)
    • Tothmekri (First appearance; dies) (Only in flashback)
  • Picts (Only in flashback)
  • Zingaran merchant galley's crew (First appearance)
    • Unnamed sailors (First appearance; many die)
  • Lord Hambria (Mentioned)
  • Red Sonja (Mentioned)
  • Lord Hambria's Kordavan mistress (Mentioned)
  • The Devourer of the Dead (Mentioned)

Deities and Invocations:

Races and Species:



  • Sultanapur Sling
  • Thralloons
  • Drachims (Mentioned)
  • Treasure of Tranicos (Mentioned)
  • The Medallion (First appearance)


  • The Hawk (Mentioned)
  • The Red Hand (First appearance)
  • Tranicos's ship (Only appearance; destruction) (Only in flashback)
  • The Petrel
  • Zingaran merchant galley (First appearance)

Events and Eras:

Synopsis for "Devourer of the Dead"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Bride of the Buccaneer"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Deities and Invocations:

Races and Species:


Events and Eras:

Synopsis for "Bride of the Buccaneer"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

