Marvel Database

Appearing in "Daughter of the God King"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Afghulis
    • Deffaq (First appearance)
    • Quelap'h (First appearance)
    • Srelek (First appearance)
    • Derlek (First appearance)
    • Malpoq (First appearance)
    • Garn (First appearance)
    • Quel Tah'r (First appearance)
  • Ayella, Goddess-Princess of Kambuja (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)


  • God-King / the Divine One (First appearance)
  • Royal Army of Kambuja (First appearance)
    • General Ti-Zoh (First appearance)
    • Captain Melm (First appearance)
  • G'humen Thak's cult (First appearance)
    • G'humen Thak (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
    • Vendhyan soldiers (First appearance, four of five dies) (Main story and flashback)
  • Afghulis
    • Mahmouk (First appearance; dies)
    • Unnamed Afghulis (First appearance; dies)
    • Brunneg / Brunegg (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

Deities and Invocations:

Races and Species:


Events and Eras:

Synopsis for "Daughter of the God King"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • Larry Hama is editor, Jim Owsley is managing editor, and Danny Fingeroth and Louise Jones are consulting editors.
  • The issue also includes:

See Also

Links and References

