Marvel Database

Appearing in "Visionaries"

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Synopsis for "Visionaries"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "The Punisher Strikes Twice!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #129

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Synopsis for "The Punisher Strikes Twice!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #129

A new costumed criminal known as the Jackal has appeared and has hired the Punisher — a costumed vigilante that loves death — to destroy Spider-Man. The wall-crawler, meanwhile, is web-slinging through the city; he stops to take some pictures of a robbery and busts it up as well. He takes the photos to the Bugle, where J. Jonah Jameson has a fit that Parker has not been able to get any photos of the Punisher, and that all the competition is snapping up photos of him in action.

Peter leaves and changes back to Spider-Man, and soon finds himself attacked by the Punisher, who thinks that Spider-Man is a common crook just like everyone else he kills. The vigilante doesn't have much of an upper hand against Spider-Man, and the Jackal (hiding near the battle) decides to strike out. When his claws rake the back of Spider-Man's head, the Punisher calls the Jackal on his "unjust" methods of killing Spider-Man. The wall-crawler manages to get away when he stumbles off the edge of the building they are fighting on, gain control, and swing away. When the Jackal and Punisher depart, Spider-Man returns to the scene and collects the Punisher's weapon that was left behind and sees that it was made by Reiss Armorers.

Spider-Man returns to his apartment. As Peter Parker, he mends his costume, unaware that Harry Osborn is listening and suspects that Peter may know that he's decided to become the Green Goblin. While at ESU, Miles Warren has sought out Mary Jane Watson to see if she can pass along an apology to Peter over their brief run-in while he was trying to get help for her when the Vulture had captured her. At the secret hideout of the Jackal, the Punisher lashes out at the Jackal over their methods of elimination. The Punisher leaves to go the Mechanic, his gun supplier, to resupply.

This brings him to Reiss Armorers, where he finds Spider-Man, who just stumbled upon the Mechanic's dead body. Thinking that the wall-crawler had killed the Mechanic, the Punisher attacks him. During their fight, Spider-Man manages to get the upper hand and bind the Punisher. He then makes the vigilante see that the Jackal's trademark clawings were the cause of the Mechanic's death. Realizing that the Jackal had been manipulating him to do his dirty work and then intended to frame him for murder, the Punisher vows to get revenge against the Jackal and storms out. When Spider-Man hears police sirens he leaves as well. The Jackal, watching on, vows that he will eventually destroy Spider-Man.

Appearing in "Shadow of Evils Past!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #238

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Synopsis for "Shadow of Evils Past!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #238

Peter Parker is joining his Aunt May and Nathan Lubensky at the tax authority of New York in order to get Aunt May's license to operate as a special-status landlady for her boarding house for the elderly from her home. Peter's musings about it being the home where Spider-Man grew up causes him to think back to his youth growing up in that home with Aunt May and his Uncle Ben. From there he recalls how he got his spider-powers and the death of Uncle Ben, something Peter still blames himself over because he could have caught the crook responsible days earlier. Peter then thinks how great Nathan Lubinski has been for his Aunt, as he had invested his own savings to help May get her home off the ground. With all the paperwork filed away, the trio decides to go an celebrate. Out on the street, Peter's spider-sense begins to go off and he narrowly avoids a car speeding out of an alleyway. Soon a police car pulls up and asks if they are okay, and to explain that the speeding car is involved in a bank robbery. Furious that his Aunt May and her fiancee almost got hurt, Peter tells them that he needs to go and rushes off.

Peter quickly changes into Spider-Man and hitches a ride on the pursuing police car. Needing the money, he webs his camera onto the flashers on the police car to snap action photos for the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man then leaps across to the evading car and smashes his way inside. This forces the crooks to crash their car. However, one of them, George Hill, is thrown clear from the car and he tries to escape. Spider-Man follows after him but is briefly disorientated when George tosses a smoke bomb at him. This doesn't stop Spider-Man from spotting his escape down a manhole cover. Spider-Man follows after him into the sewers. Fearing capture, George wonders what to do next when he suddenly leans on a secret door. Finding the air inside fresher than the sewers, George goes inside, losing Spider-Man. The wall-crawler returns to the surface empty-handed and follows up with the police before heading off, grabbing his camera along the way. Unknown to Spider-Man, he was not far from an Osborn Manufacturing building. While below the surface, George explores the strange tunnel that he discovered and is shocked when it leads him to a secret room containing the equipment of the Green Goblin.

Meanwhile, Aunt May and Nathan return home and is disappointed that there are no messages for her upon her arrival. When she enters the house, the phone begins to ring. May answers it hoping that it is her nephew Peter, but it turns out to be her longtime friend Anna Watson who has been living in Florida. Anna congratulates May on starting her boarding house and tells her that Mary Jane has been staying with her for a while. At that very moment, Peter Parker has returned to his apartment and tries to call Aunt May but discovers that the line is busy. With his new photos developed he takes them to the Daily Bugle. There, Joe Robertson is impressed with Peter's photos, telling the young photographer that they are his best yet. Peter tries to call Aunt May again, but the line is still busy. When Joe tells the copyboy to take the pictures to be printed, the copyboy mentions the chase ended at the Osborn facility. This causes Peter to recollect his old nemesis, Norman Osborn the original Green Goblin and how he had learned Peter's secret identity. As he thinks about how Osborn was responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy, his thoughts are interrupted by the very generous check for the photos. Joe then offers to give Peter a ride back out to Forest Hills to see his Aunt.

At that moment, George Hill takes a mysterious man to the Green Goblin's underground hideout. The man is very interested to find the Goblin's old equipment and journals and tells George to load it all up into his van. Shortly thereafter, Joe Robertson and Peter are on their way to Forest Hills. As Joe tells Peter not to be a stranger as he focuses more and more on his studies, they hear a radio report about a fire that has broken out at the Osborn Manufacturing Plant. There, Peter discovers that Lance Bannon beat him to the fire to take photos. When Joe questions the firemen on the scene about the source of the fire, they say it started in a room that was not on any of the blueprints. With the fire put out, Peter asks to go inside and check it out. Granted access, Peter looks at the secret room and recognizes it as one of the places where the Green Goblin stashed his equipment. Peter worries that he knows who might have looted the room.

Joe then gets a call from Aunt May for Peter, and he tells her that he will meet her for dinner and tells Joe that he is going to walk the rest of the way. As he leaves, Peter worries that the crook he chased into the sewers was the one who found the Goblin's old lair. Later that evening in the South Bronx, George Hill has finished emptying out the equipment from the van for his employer. The mystery man tells George to dispose of the van, but as he drives away his employer sets it to explode, killing George. Inside his home, the man has dyed the Green Goblin costumes to suit his needs. Trying out the equipment, and is impressed by Norman Osborn's inventive genius. With a new mask molded, the man dresses himself up in his new costume and intends to use his newfound power to continue where Norman Osborn left off. However, this man proclaims that the Green Goblin is dead, and calls himself the Hobgoblin.

Appearing in "Now Strikes the Hobgoblin!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #239

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Synopsis for "Now Strikes the Hobgoblin!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Amazing Spider-Man #239

The midnight silence in New Jersey is interrupted as the Hobgoblin attacks another Osborn building to steal a battle van created by the Green Goblin before his apparent demise. When the police arrive on the scene they question the manager of the building, Donald Menken. He tells them that this is the largest of a series of apparent robberies at Osborn facilities. However, it appears nothing has been stolen, yet each attack uncovers hidden rooms that were previously unknown. This is reiterated when Harry Osborn and his wife Liz arrive on the scene. Menken explains that all of the buildings have been hit were ones that Harry's father, Norman Osborn, had a hand in building or procuring for the company. Harry has no idea what these rooms may have contained, explaining that his father was a secretive man and they may never know what was contained within.

The next morning, the Hobgoblin -- in his civilian guise -- buys the morning edition of the Daily Bugle and muses about the story of his recent exploits found within. As he returns to his secret hideout, the Hobgoblin gloats about how all of the major newspaper will be carrying stories about his work. He is grateful for the first discovery of a Green Goblin cache and once he has finished pilfering them all he considers of doing the one thing the Green Goblin failed to do: destroy Spider-Man. At that moment at the intensive care ward of the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, the Black Cat is still in a coma after being seriously wounded during Spider-Man's recent battle with Doctor Octopus and the Owl. Spider-Man watches over her and laments that Felicia is in a coma while Doctor Octopus continues to run free. Spider-Man's thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of Captain Jean DeWolff, who tells Spider-Man that she has the Black Cat under the heavy guard and to go home and get some rest.

On his way out of the hospital, Spider-Man comes upon the hospital room where Madam Web has been recovering since he saved her from the Juggernaut. Web claims that she doesn't remember who he is, nor does she retain her clairvoyant abilities. Madam Web then asks Spider-Man to turn on the radio before he leaves. When he does, there's a news report about the attack on the Osborn Manufacturing building. The wall-crawler makes a hasty departure, telling Web that he hopes she will recover. Web thinks that might perhaps be the case, giving a sly smile as Spider-Man climbs out the nearby window. As he web-slings across the city, Spider-Man fears that these attacks on various Osborn buildings could spell trouble for Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, Lance Bannon is at his apartment taking artistic photos of his girlfriend Amy Powell. Her posture annoys him, and he reminds her that he isn't photographing her for an adult magazine. After they are done, she notices a bunch of photos of Spider-Man that don't appear to have been sold to the Daily Bugle. She decides to rib him by asking if it is because he was beaten to the punch by Peter Parker. His silence is answer enough for her and she goes into the bathroom to dress. She warns him that if he is not careful, Peter Parker might steal her away from him as well. Lance doesn't believe it, but when Amy asks him to go out with her, Bannon declines and she storms out in anger. With Amy gone, Lance wonders what is wrong with him and why he is afraid of commitment.

Shortly, Spider-Man returns to his apartment and discovers that his costume is smelling awful and that he needs a shower and to wash his uniform. As Peter cleans himself and his uniform, he goes over the details about the Osborn raids that have been reported. He fears that whoever is responsible may come across evidence of his secret identity if they have not done so already. Peter decides to take a nap and oversleeps. He is woken up at 7 pm by Amy Powell who asks him to join her for dinner. Realizing how late it is, Peter declines the offer and abruptly ends the call. Spider-Man rushes out to an old warehouse previously owned by Norman Osborn. Unfortunately, he arrives too late as the warehouse has recently been picked clean. With only one more location to check, Spider-Man goes to an old theater that Osborn used to operate out of. As he approaches, his spider-sense goes off and he catches the Hobgoblin in the process of looting this cache. The two battle each other in the street. Although Spider-Man is much stronger than his foe, the Hobgoblin keeps him at bay with a flurry of pumpkin bombs, razor bats, and ghost shaped smoke bombs.

Spider-Man ultimately gets the upper hand when he snares the Hobgoblin's glider, forcing it to crash. Fearing capture, the Hobgoblin uses his finger blasters to blast open a gas main. While Spider-Man is busy cutting off the gas before it can explode, the Hobgoblin manages to escape. His body wracked with pain, the Hobgoblin wonders how Norman Osborn could have held his own against Spider-Man and is determined to find out the secret behind it. Meanwhile, Spider-Man takes stock of everything that has been happening and hopes things can't get any worse.

Solicit Synopsis

Of all Spider-Man's many foes, the Jackal and the Hobgoblin are two of the most tenacious. Both master manipulators, they've caused Spidey pain aplenty in the past — and now their shadows are again looming large! As a great evil emerges, peel back the layers of time and learn where it all began as we present the Jackal and Hobgoblin's classic first appearances, fully remastered with modern coloring — with an all-new framing sequence by Jim McCann and Patrick Scherberger! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #129 and #238-239.

See Also

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