Marvel Database

Quote1 This place is an anomaly. Our best guess is that Earth-616 Beta was a test run. A "trial universe" to work out all of the kinks. It's not part of the Great Web. It's off to the side, and as far as we can tell... Shathra can't see it. She has no idea where we are! Quote2
Spider-UK (Zarina Zahari)

Appearing in "End of the Spider-Verse - Part Two: The Last Spider-Man Standing"

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Synopsis for "End of the Spider-Verse - Part Two: The Last Spider-Man Standing"

The Spider-Man of Earth-TRN971 is alerted by Tony Stark that W.E.B. security footage shows him trashing the lab. There, presuming the intruders already left given his silent Peter-Tingle, he is ambushed by Spider-Wasps Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man India, and Spider-Ham. Back on Manhattan on Earth-616, Peter, Cindy, Miles, and Morlun face Shathra's enthralled enforcers-- Noir, Mayday, Punk, and Gwen. Peter and company want to save them with a possible cure while Morlun aims to slay them and the Spider-Wasps single-mindedly seek to assimilate them and a fight breaks out, during which Cindy saves Wasp-Mayday from Morlun. Araña portals in and uses Spider-Magic to block the Spider-Wasps as Spider-UK exfiltrates the spider heroes. While Peter is focused on the blade Noir used to kill Jessica, Araña understands but needs to prioritize their escape and elaborates that her magic will disable their pursuit. Fleeing, Peter comments on Aña stealing Doctor Strange's gimmick, but she reveals Spider-magic came first hence his hand gestures; blowing Peter's mind. On Loomworld, Earth-001, an angry Shathra orders Nestling to pursue the fleeing spiders, but despite the Great Nest molded from the Great Web, Nestling cannot find them having fled outside the multiverse.

They arrive on Earth-616 Beta, a "test universe" of Earth-616 outside the main multiverse and Shathra's detection. Miles and Cindy note that they are slowly forgetting Jess and Aña explains the Totem Dagger removed Jess from the Great Web, like she never existed. Heading into Our Lady of Saints Church, Morlun recounts the Inheritors annihilating the last Sanctuary, enraging Peter as Morlun reminds him that they're allies at present, Morlun also bringing up having once drained his life force before, a continuing mystery as he's still alive. Moving on, Aña introduces them to their remaining forces: Sun-Spider, Night-Spider, Spinstress and Webster, Hunter-Spider, and Web-Weaver. Miles is flabbergasted at a Spider Kraven variant, but the hunter is elated to see his fame precede him, while Cindy introduces herself and greets Spintress, who sings group introductions until Peter begs her to stop. Peter clearly identifies Felicia but finds she used her powers for burglary, swiping Peter's utility belt for fun. Madame Web arrives and, despite Peter's trust in her precognition, she reveals they're progressively losing the war for the Spider-Verse and that he is the last hope being the chosen champion of the Great Web. She elaborates that Shathra seeks to turn spiders into her drones and only a few are inexplicably immune, especially the 616 spiders. But this forced Shathra to use the Totem Dagger to sever the skein of spiders from the Great Web like with Jessica and possibly countless more now forgotten.

Spider-UK and Aña explain Peter is tied to the Primal Strand, the last hope of saving the Spider-Verse before Shathra can corrupt and remake it. Skeptical, Peter has a private chat with Cindy and Miles about what they learned, with Miles also not buying it as Peter's life is one big hot mess right now.[1] Cindy's thoughts are two-fold: she is irked by Peter's shredded attire and uses her powers to make a clean classic suit on him, and also demands answers as she spent half her life avoiding Morlun only to now ally with him. While Web-Weaver is nettled he wasn't asked to sew a new suit, Peter promises he can next time and demands Morlun explain his motives. The inheritor elaborates he traversed the multiverse seeking his infantilized family members, "finding" a spider-verse device and proceeding to their location, but was too late as an infected Spider-Ma'am ate the babies. Although the others are sympathetic to his pain, Morlun continues that he went to avenge them on Shathra. She easily overpowered him and revealed he became a spider himself after centuries of eating them, and fled to Madam Web who redirected him. While Kraven sees an Inheritor and the Chosen One in their hunting party as a boon, Peter sees untold complications as they need more ranks but Morlun clarifies that everyone present were all who remained. At the same time, as Miles isn't from Earth-616, he was becoming a Spider-Wasp from his sting.[2] Through the hive mind link, Shathra can see where they are and now aims for the last spiders in the Spider-Verse, with thousands of turned Spider-Wasps behind her.

Solicit Synopsis

"End of the Spider-Verse" rages on!

• After the tragedy of the first issue, our Spider-heroes try to make a plan against Morlun. But Morlun isn't their only problem…

• SHATHRA is back and more powerful than the last time she nearly killed Peter and Ezekiel.

• Last time, Peter tricked Shathra, and she's had plenty of time to plan his death and the death of ALL SPIDERS!

See Also

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