Marvel Database

Quote1 You were punching and kicking the Sandy Man. And he was mean and Jess said winning looks like losing sometimes. And then we had to pretend it was my birthday, but you kept getting back up, Daddy! No matter what because the Sandy Man was bad and then you grabbed the things and you zapped him and everybody was clapping and it was so cool! You're a hero, Daddy! Quote2
Kalie Gocking

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Jess and Roger go to the beach with their respective children, and the Sandman attacks the beach. Thanks to the advice received from Jess, Roger manages to defeat him and his daughter begins to consider him a hero.

Solicit Synopsis

• Porcupine and Jess go on a whirlwind adventure!

• Plus: More diaper changing!

See Also

Links and References

