Marvel Database

Appearing in "Part 1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • American Poacher

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Part 1"

12-year old Ororo has hooked up with a group of teenage thieves. Two of them goad her to steal a camera from an armed tourist. In the process, one of her fellow thieves makes sure she falls and, before being shot, she is forced to use her powers to escape, making the men realize she is a mutant. They decide to give chase, as she would be worth a lot of money. Later at the camp, Ororo recalls her early childhood and that her being different was the reason for her parents to relocate to Africa, where they died. The thieves’ teacher urges her to focus on her skills. While she tries to prove to him that she is an excellent lockpick, he drives home the lesson that she is in need of more discipline. In the meantime, the armed men attack several of the youngsters elsewhere in the camp. The girl who tripped Ororo before speaks up and offers to help the men in capturing her “enemy.”

See Also

Links and References

