Marvel Database

Quote1 You ladies and gentlemen must recognize me! Look closely! I am not merely an inhabitant of SoHo... it is me... really and truly me! Quote2

Appearing in "Danger Signal!"

Featured Characters:

  • Peter (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Janet (Peter's Mother) (First appearance)
  • Peter's Father (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Ted Morris (Mentioned) (Deceased) (Signalman)

Races and Species:



  • Broken Red Lantern


  • 309 (Train)

Synopsis for "Danger Signal!"

A boy playing with toy trains saves his train engineer father when he leaves a warning light on a train rail that hasn't been switched due to the signalman's suffering a heart attack and the warning light appears in real life.

Appearing in "My Friend Koogelie"

Featured Characters:

  • Danny Wilcox (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Mrs. Wilcox (First appearance)
  • Koogelie (First appearance)
  • Mr. Wilcox

Other Characters:

  • Percy's Mother
  • Percy (Mentioned)
  • Timmy (Mentioned)
  • Unnamed News Announcer (Voice only)
  • Dr. Trimbauer
  • Dr. Miller
  • Professor Coslow

Races and Species:



  • Danny's Atomic Powered Wagon

Synopsis for "My Friend Koogelie"

Danny has an imaginary friend named Koogelie who turns out to be real. At first his parents don't believe him but after Koogelie upgrades Danny's wagon with atomic power they believe him due to a news report that corroborated his story. When his father tried to get specialists to investigate Koogelie and Danny, Danny pretended that Koogelie left and cried about it. In actuality Koogelie was hiding in Danny's room.

Appearing in "The Man in the Bottle!"

Featured Characters:

  • Adam Halley (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Unnamed Man (Man in the Bottle)

Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Ship
    • Unnamed Crewmember
    • Unnamed Captain (Mentioned)
  • Five unnamed reporters
  • United States Government (Mentioned in narration)
  • Halley's Soda Company
    • Jones (Behind the scenes)
    • Three unnamed employees
  • Halley's Toy Company
    • Burns (Mentioned)
    • Two unnamed employees
  • Unnamed Genie (Mentioned)
  • Unnamed Woman
  • George

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Man in the Bottle!"

A man gets suckered into releasing a tiny prisoner in a bottle due to promises of wealth only to find that he must take the prisoner's place.

Appearing in "The Target!"

Featured Characters:

  • Randy (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Marla (Randy's Mother) (First appearance)
  • Hoyt (Randy's Father) (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Dr. Karns (First appearance)
  • Professor Bends (First appearance)

Races and Species:



  • Refugee Spaceship

Synopsis for "The Target!"

A young boy has his interest in space travel discouraged by his parents since they do not want him to return to Earth.

Appearing in "The Character"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • London Tours (First appearance)
    • Unnamed Tour Guide
    • Unnamed Tour Driver
    • Numerous unnamed customers

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • London Tours' Bus

Synopsis for "The Character"

Merlin takes a tour of modern day London and is disappointed when the natives fail to show the appropriate respect.

Appearing in "Freddie's Face!"

Featured Characters:

  • Freddy (First appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Betty (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Novack (Freddy's Landlady)
  • Mr. Benson (Freddy's Boss)
  • Numerous unnamed employees (Freddy's Co-workers)
  • Santa Claus (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Freddie's Face!"

A man's ugly face begins to look handsome as he does good deeds.


  • This is the first issue of Strange Tales to have a Comics Code seal on the cover.

See Also

Links and References

