Marvel Database

Quote1 The poor fool! Didn't he suspect that none can break a contract with--me?!! I kept my part of the bargain--he did not serve in the army! But it was because he was fated to perish on this date, in this place-- ...and no man can escape his fate! Quote2
—Mister Black

Appearing in "When the Thing Runs Amok"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Clara Burke

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "When the Thing Runs Amok"

An inventor builds a powerful indestructible robot to help mankind but people react with fear and so the robot worries that harm may come to his creator and pretends to go on a rampage, takes over a missile to fly out over sea, and drops to the bottom of the ocean when the self-destruct is activated. The robot leaves a letter to the inventor explaining all of this and says he will return one day when humanity has learned trust. The inventor worries that sea water may rust the robot's components and turn him evil.

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Appearing in "The Magician"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Uncanny Tales #34

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Magician"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Uncanny Tales #34

A TV studio page and aspiring magician gets a lucky break when he meets a real sorcerer time traveling from the past.

Appearing in "Earth Will Be Lost Tonight!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Races and Species:



  • "Don Russell's" Spacecraft

Synopsis for "Earth Will Be Lost Tonight!"

An alien poses as a singer to record hypnotic records that will entrance humanity as to be helpless before an invasion force. His manager discovers him and concocts a plan to discredit the singer by asking his wife to pose as an abandoned woman with children that the singer has callously walked out on. She tells this story to the national media and the singer is shown the door of the recording studio. His plans for invasion foiled, he leaves Earth.

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Appearing in "Mister Black"

Featured Characters:

  • Miko Kyusha

Supporting Characters:

  • Miko's Father


  • Mister Black

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Mister Black"

During WWII, in Japan, a coward named Miko Kyusha is drafted to the military, but does not want to go to war. When a mysterious Mister Black shows up with a contract to ensure he never makes it into the army, and the Miko signs it without even caring what his end of the deal could be. After he is examined for fitness, his form is magically changed so that he is dismissed from service. In order to escape having to fulfill his end of the contract, Miko leaves for another city where he thinks he wont be found. Unfortunately, that city was Hiroshima, and a few minutes after he arrives, the Atomic Bomb is dropped.

Appearing in "The Wax People!"

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Night Watchman

Supporting Characters:

  • "Living Wax Figures"

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Police Officer

Races and Species:

  • Xaccusians


  • Xaccus (First appearance)

Synopsis for "The Wax People!"

This story has no plot. It merely details ordinary happenings in a retail store involving wax mannequins. The last panel shows an alien night sky and the text box says that the events occurred on a planet consisting of wax people.

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See Also

Links and References

