Marvel Database

Quote1 Look -- up in the sky! It's a bird -- it's a plane -- it's Mr. Spock! Quote2
A random spectator on seeing the Sub-Mariner

Appearing in "A World My Enemy!"

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Synopsis for "A World My Enemy!"

Upon discovering chemical weapons that were dumped into the ocean, Namor is fed up dealing with the surface dwellers and decides to take a more proactive stance against them. He travels to New York City where he addresses the United Nations and warns them to immediately cease poisoning his oceans or they will have to answer to him.

Solicit Synopsis

Prince Namor lashes out at the surface world—while Atlantis stands poised at the brink of total war! And that's just the beginning!


  • Layouts and partial pencils by John Buscema (uncredited).[1]

See Also

Links and References

