Marvel Database

A computer expert in the Mayor's office and Wolverine's contact in the local police, Tarkington Brown was diagnosed an incurable, lethal illness, so he devoted his remaining time to organize a group of policemen to take the law into their own hands and murder criminals. He was opposed by Daredevil, whose secret identity he discovered. Brown recruited Wolverine to stop an operation to smuggle and perform surgery on criminal Bullseye; during this heist, Brown had a chance to shoot Daredevil dead, but Wolverine brutally slashed Brown. Daredevil took Brown to the hospital, which took the time he may have used to stop Bullseye. Brown died soon afterward due to his illness.


A computer expert working for the Mayor of New York City's office, Brown was diagnosed with a lethal illness that would take his life in at most one or two years. He decided to make a contribution to the citizen's safety by murdering criminals who had been released on a technicality. To do so, he recruited policemen to become a secret "Murder Squad", using the psychological profiles he had access to. His minions were opposed by Daredevil.[1]

At a party, Brown met Daredevil's ex-girlfriend Heather Glenn[1][2] who, under the influence of alcohol, revealed to him Daredevil's secret identity as blind lawyer Matthew Murdock - which Brown confirmed using his technical savvy. Brown then kidnapped Glenn, accepting her as a collateral victim in his "war against crime", and sent his minions to murder Murdock. Murdock had been warned by Glenn in advance, however, so he was on his guard, defeated the would-be assassins who were arrested, and tracked Brown to his office. Meanwhile, Glenn tried to escape by throwing hot coffee in Brown's face -as Brown had been nice enough to give her a cup. Daredevil intercepted Brown, thus allowing Glenn to escape. Daredevil then negotiated with Brown to not blow the whistle on his illness if Brown did the same with Daredevil's secret identity.[1]

Brown later contacted Wolverine to warn him about a Japanese plan to smuggle incapacitated assassin Bullseye out of the country and perform surgery on him, hoping that Wolverine would stop the operation. To do this, Wolverine teamed-up with Daredevil and, when he reported this to Brown, Brown decided to take the chance to ambush and murder Daredevil as revenge for Daredevil's interference. Meanwhile, Daredevil revealed Brown's crimes to Wolverine. Brown went to the pier where Daredevil and Wolverine were fighting thugs to reach the smuggling boat, and aimed at Daredevil, only to be slashed by Wolverine. Daredevil was aghast at Wolverine's killing blow and, while Wolverine still fought thugs, Daredevil had to choose between saving Brown's life by taking him to the hospital, or reaching the boat. He decided to save Brown, who was still angry at Daredevil and would not live longer due to his illness.[3]

Brown died soon afterward, while Daredevil was in Japan tracking Bullseye. When Murdock's associate Franklin Nelson reported Brown's death, Murdock replied "Too bad. He seemed like a good man."[4]



Expertise in computer science, access to confidential records and the ability to obtain useful information from them.[1]


A degenerative illness. He is also vulnerable to hot coffee on his face[1] and to Wolverine's claws.[3]



Brown is rich, living in a huge mansion with at least one maid.[3]


Traditional gun.[1][3]

See Also

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