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Quote1 It's a bit early -- but Cheers! Quote2
Tony Stark

Appearing in "Ball and Chain"

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Synopsis for "Ball and Chain"

Thunderball tears up a Niagara Falls honeymoon motel looking for his ex-girlfriend Rhonda. Meanwhile, Morley helps Iron Man figure out how to use his armor. When they're done they head to Niagara Falls to visit Morley's sister, Clytemnestra. Elsewhere, Tony wakes up with unstable socialite Heather Glenn, and they have drinks with breakfast. At a power plant, Thunderball holds the employees hostage, including Clytemnestra, demanding the authorities bring Rhonda to him so he can win her back. Iron Man arrives and fights Thunderball, but to stop them from wrecking the power plant, Clytemnestra suggests he should find Rhonda instead. Told by Leffingwell's motel that the newlyweds are at the bank, Iron Man interrupts a robbery and overpowers the thieves, but Ted Leffingwell is shot by them before Rodney arrives, and she refuses to see Thunderball. Meanwhile, Tony passes out at a party, so Heather Glenn leaves with Tarkington Brown, a man she just met. Back at the plant, Iron Man defeats Thunderball with Clytemnestra's help, electrocuting his wrecking ball, knocking him unconscious. Morley informs Iron Man that Tony Stark has just been arrested.


  • This issue contians a letters page, Printed Circuits. Letters are published from Wallace Lee Hopkins, Chris Green, Bill Vey, Craig Springer, John Barresa, and Stephen Scott Beau Smith.
  • Tony Stark's party date with Heather Glenn is isochronic with Daredevil #195. The continued plot with Tarkington Brown is detailed in that series.

See Also

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