Marvel Database

Appearing in "Guns Blaze at Night!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bud Chumley

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff Warner

Races and Species:


  • Fort Dulane

Synopsis for "Guns Blaze at Night!"

The Western Kid and his animal pals pull into Fort Dulane and are asked to turn over his guns to the law as nobody within the fort is allowed to have guns. The Kid complies and continues on his way into the fort. He learns from the deputy that outlaw Bud Chumley is coming after Sheriff Warner for putting his brother in jail. The no-gun law has been put into place since nobody knows what Bud Chumley looks like, and insuring that nobody within the walls has a gun will make it harder for Chumley to try and kill the sheriff.

As the Western Kid ties up his horse he overhears the sheriff talking to one of the locals about how the new deputy, Stag Harper, was the one who warned Warner of the threat from Bud Chumley. Finding this suspicious, the Kid orders his dog Lightning to do something for him as the sun begins to set and the fort is being closed up for the night. That evening, Stag -- aka Bud Chumley -- goes into the shed where all the guns have been locked up and takes some and heads for Sheriff Warner. As he walks away, Lightning sneaks into the gun shed and recovers t he Western Kid's guns as well. Meanwhile, "Stag" comes across the Kid's horse Whirlwind and decides that the horse is better than his and makes a note to steal it when he makes his getaway.

Bud then storms into the saloon with guns drawn and gets the drop on Sheriff Warner and reveals his true identity. While Bud demands that the sheriff draw, on the balcony above, the Western Kid is given his guns by Lightning and he uses them to shoot down the chandelier. With the saloon plunged in darkness, Lightning charges at Bud, forcing him to waste all his bullets trying to hit the dog. Without bullets, Bud tries to flee on Whirlwind, but the horse only brings him back into the waiting hands of the sheriff. When Bud tries to flee on foot, he is beaten by the Western Kid. In the aftermath of the fight, the Kid reveals that he knew what Bud Chumley looked like the entire time and set things up to get him to reveal himself.

Appearing in "Six-Gun Shy"

Synopsis for "Six-Gun Shy"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Western Kid"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bo Newton

Races and Species:


  • Stage Coach

Synopsis for "Western Kid"

The Western Kid is being chased by a gang of outlaws and managed to put some distance by jumping over a cliff. When one of the outlaws, Linx, ends up being thrown from his horse and goes over the edge. While Linx scrambles for his life, the Kid goes back and tosses him a rope. When Linx calls to his comrades to not shoot at the Kid, his boss -- Bo -- refuses to do so and the gang continues to fire while the Western Kid flees he wonders if Linx will side with his fellow outlaws if they happen to clash again.

A few weeks later, the Western Kid is asked by a local sheriff to join a wagon train to protect it from Bo Newton and his gang has been seen in the area. The Kid confirms that Linx Porter is still riding with them. Sure enough the gang spots the coach and prepare to rob it, despite Linx reservations. When they spot the Kid's dog Lightning, Bo tells Linx to deal with it while they go off after the coach. They soon notice the Western Kid breaking off from the coach and they go after him. Meanwhile, Linx cannot bring himself to kill Dawson's dog. Meanwhile, Bo and the rest of his gang are lured into a trap and run into the coach riders who are armed to the teeth and they take the gang with the help of the Western Kid and Whirlwind. Suddenly, Linx surrenders with Lightning in tow, and the Kid explains that Lightning didn't attack him was because he did not see him as a threat. Linx thanks the Kid for giving him a chance and promises to go straight once he has repaid the debt to society.

Appearing in "Western Kid"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Tim
  • Billy

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Western Kid"

The Western Kid rides into town and overhears some children who is braver: the Western Kid, or outlaw Pug Wilson. Soon a bet is made where the kids will idolize whichever of the two proves to be braver. Overhearing this, the Kid is determined to prove to be the braver man so that the children do not end up idolizing an outlaw. The Kid then goes to the sheriff's office and tells him that he is going off to look for Pug Wilson alone. The sheriff tells the Kid that he is crazy because Pug is holed up in the mountains.

The Kid then rides off knowing that Pug is watching he purposely rides out of town hoping that Pug will go in and try to take a shot at the sheriff. Sure enough Pug follows true to form and tries to kill the sheriff. However before he can attack, Lightning attacks, taking his guns away and running off. Then the Western Kid reveals himself and challenges Pug to a fist fight. With the sheriff and local children watching, Tex easily beats Pug in a fight and turns him over to the authorities. Seeing the Kid defeat Pug fair and square, the Western Kid is happy to hear that the children are all convinced that he is the bravest fighter there is.

Appearing in "The Sky Pilot!"

Featured Characters:

  • Ben Smith


  • Hank Watts

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff Simms (Mentioned) (Deceased)
  • Mrs. Wilkins

Races and Species:


  • Eagle Pass

Synopsis for "The Sky Pilot!"

A western tale.

Appearing in "Western Kid"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Outlaws
    • Cliff

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Western Kid"

Western Kid and his animal pals flee from a stampede of horses. Getting to cover where the Kid spots some outlaws driving the herd to stampede. As the herd heads toward a cliff, the Western Kid sends Lightning to divert the herd before it stampedes off the edge. The outlaws spot Lightning and try to shoot the dog, but they fail to hit it. Spotting Tex Dawson the gang decides to capture him and chase after him. The Western Kid realizes that he is out numbered and sends Whirlwind off on his own while he goes for cover.

Tex soon finds himself pinned down and under fire with his own supply of bullets running out. Meanwhile, Whirlwind and Lightning reunite and head down to where a herd of wild horses are located. Whirlwind manages to convince the horses to aid him and leads them to the outlaws who then try to flee. However the Kid forces them to surrender and learns that the men were going to force the herd off the cliff so they could sell the horse meat.


See Also

Links and References

