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"Anti-Alien Act is out of the picture."
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"The terrorists responsible were a shape-shifting alien-born species known as Skrulls. That is why tonight I'm presenting to Congress, for immediate emergency authorization, a bill that designates all off-world born species enemy combatants."

The Anti-Alien Act is a legislative act proposed by U.S. President Ritson. This law designates all species originating from other planets as enemies of the state and orders them to be hunted and exterminated.



Anti-alien sentiment increased worldwide when the reach of the Secret Invasion by the radical Skrull Resistance was publicly revealed. Taking advantage of this, U.S. President Ritson, who was nearly assassinated by the Skrull Resistance during an attack in England, expressed his anti-alien rhetoric in a televised address, painting all Skrulls and extraterrestrials as enemy combatants and proposed the creation of the Anti-Alien Act with United States Congress to hunt down and exterminate all extraterrestrials in the United States. His televised address also inspired anti-alien extremists to go as far as to commit murder against innocent people they believe to be Skrull imposters. One such victim was British Prime Minister Pamela Lawton, who was simmed by a Skrull early on.[1]

Despite the lives massacred, lethal force is not the only measure of containment of alien activity required by law, a being originating from another world that sets foot on American soil can also be arrested by the authorities. An example is the soldiers of the Kree race who appeared at the Khan Residence and were arrested by government agents.[2]

