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Bron-Char is a Kree Empire operative and a member of the Starforce. He went with his team on Torfa to rescue Soh-Larr, only to be ambushed by Talos and some of his Skrull subordinates. Bron-Char later traveled to Planet C-53, where he faced Captain Marvel who had turned against the Kree.


Kree-Skrull War[]

Sy'gyl Mission[]

Bron-Char was involved in a mission with Starforce during which a creature bit him.

While preparing for another mission, Bron-Char waited with Vers to be briefed on a mission. When Vers paced as she was nervous about the mission feeling strange. Bron-Char reminded Vers that strange could mean interesting, but Vers commented about the creature which bit him. Yon-Rogg and Korath then arrived, followed shortly by Minn-Erva and Att-Lass. Yon-Rogg briefed the team about their mission to infiltrate Sy'gyl and retrieve plans for a Xandarian weapon so that the Kree could maintain the upper hand in the potentially upcoming peace between them and Xandar. Yon-Rogg ordered the team to get ready, which they did. Bron-Char watched Minn-Erva tell Vers that she was wondering when Vers would make a mistake, prompting Vers to throw her over her shoulder and say it would not happen. Att-Lass told Minn-Erva that Vers was a member of Starforce like the rest of them, but Minn-Erva simply stated that she would need to remember that when making difficult choices, making Bron-Char comment that Minn-Erva had a way with people.

During the flight, the team was attacked by Kree fighters mistaking them as Xandarians. Vers suggested that they fire back, causing the entire team to look at her. However, Yon-Rogg agreed it would help avoid suspicion, so he passed the order to Sun-Val. During the ensuing battle, a hole formed in the hull, causing air to leave the ship. However, Vers managed to activate the shield and stop the ship from losing too much air. When they entered Sy'gyl's orbit, Bron-Char accepted Yon-Rogg's order not to encounter Xandarian resistance. As their ship entered cruising speed, Minn-Erva and Att-Lass went to select their guns for the mission. Bron-Char then approached them and bragged about only needing his fists for the fight. Vers joined the group after talking with Yon-Rogg and told them that they were simply reviewing the mission and that Yon-Rogg wanted to talk to Minn-Erva next. Minn-Erva did not trust that Yon-Rogg was briefing team members individually, but Bron-Char and Att-Lass assured her that he had a good reason.

As the ship landed, Yon-Rogg opened the hatch and told Starforce that Minn-Erva would be the only one with a gun. They started traversing the planet when Vers joked to herself and Minn-Erva asked what she said. Yon-Rogg told them to be quiet and communicate with hand signals. When Bron-Char saw something that gave the team pause, Yon-Rogg sent Att-Lass to investigate. He came back reporting that it was a Xandarian ship. The group continued to move forward until Vers broke off and infiltrated the base. Minn-Erva then spotted four Nova Corps men, so Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char went to deal with them. They returned to the freighter, where they found their pilot, Sun-Val, in the woods and started to return with her. They came across Vers and Rhomann Dey and greeted the pair before returning to the ship. Sun-Val tried to kill Vers, but Minn-Erva shot her, revealing that she was a Skrull. The team then returned to Hala.[1]

Ambush in Torfa[]

Captain Marvel (film) 61

Bron-Char being dispatched over to Torfa

As a member of the Starforce, Bron-Char was summoned for a rescue mission on Torfa to save Kree spy Soh-Larr who was captured by the Skrulls led by Talos. He met with the Supreme Intelligence for a run down and snarled as he came out of the meeting.[2] Before listening to the mission briefing by Yon-Rogg, Bron-Char engaged in friendly banter with his teammates Vers, Att-Lass and Korath.

Arriving on Torfa, Bron-Char, Yon-Rogg, Vers and Korath made their way to a temple where Soh-Larr's beacon had been detected. As Vers entered the temple, Bron-Char and his teammates did their best to keep the approaching Torfans at bay. However, they turned out to be Skrulls in disguise, and Bron-Char thus engaged in a fight against them, taking down several of them with his energy gauntlets until Yon-Rogg ordered the Starforce to fall back to the Helion.

In the aftermath of the ambush and Vers' capture, the Starforce was contacted by Vers, who had escaped from the Skrulls and was stranded on Planet C-53. As they traveled there to rendezvous with her, Bron-Char asked his teammate Minn-Erva whether she had already been to the planet, only to be told that she had and that the planet was a filthy place.[3]

Battle at Mar-Vell's Laboratory[]

Bron-Char took part in the takeover of Mar-Vell's laboratory as the Starforce captured Captain Marvel and her allies. Bron-Char was present when Captain Marvel was brought to the Supreme Intelligence, and he was knocked unconscious when she broke free of it. Still, Bron-Char regained consciousness and chased her, finding her as she taunted her former teammates.


Bron-Char is defeated by Captain Marvel

Bron-Char attempted to attack her, but Captain Marvel used her newly released tremendous powers to cause him to fall on the ground. Bron-Char then resumed the attack, hitting her hard with a pinball game table, but this was too insufficient to defeat Captain Marvel, who blasted him with a photon blast, knocking him several meters away. As it was revealed that Captain Marvel did not have the Tesseract the Starforce was looking for, Bron-Char attempted to restrain her from chasing Yon-Rogg who left, but he was once again defeated.[3]


Bron-Char is a loyal warrior of the Starforce. In battle, being relatively larger and stronger than the rest of them, he prefers more crude and direct methods like melee or unarmed combat. Outside of combat and in friendly banter with his teammates, he has a dry sense of humor.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Kree Physiology: Bron-Char possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among Kree, such as superhuman strength, durability, agility, stamina, reflexes, and an efficient healing factor.
    • Superhuman Strength: Bron-Char's incredible superhuman strength allows him to lift very heavy objects and send the full-sized humanoids flying through the air. His physique gives him more natural strength as well.
    • Superhuman Durability: Bron-Char's body is very resistant to physical damage. He was able to resist several hits from Vers, even when she had already fully unlocked her powers.
    • Superhuman Agility: Bron-Char possesses great agility despite his bulky physique.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Bron-Char can battle for extended periods of time without experiencing fatigue.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Bron-Char is able to dodge many attacks brought upon him by the enemy.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Bron-Char possesses a healing factor which allows him to recover from injuries in a very short time span.
    • Longevity: Bron-Char possesses a long lifespan. This trait is common among Kree.


  • Master Combatant: Bron-Char is a highly competent unarmed combatant. He was able to defeat several Skrulls and fight against Vers for a while, before being subdued.



  • Energy Gauntlets: Bron-Char wielded a pair of gauntlets integrated into his uniform that could be charged and augmented with energy that greatly enhanced his striking potency and increased the damage he could do to opponents with his blows.

Other Equipment[]

  • Starforce Uniform: Bron-Char possesses a uniform of Kree origin to use on his Starforce missions. The uniform has a built-in universal translator that allows its wearer to understand the language of anyone they interact with and be able to speak their language back to them. The uniform also contains a device capable of analyzing and identifying any object placed within it on the uniform's sleeve. The uniform's color scheme can also be customized to suit the user's preferences via a device located on the uniform's sleeve, though Bron-Char himself never had any reason to do this. It also includes a collapsible helmet that can fit around the wearer's head. The helmet can generate its own atmosphere and allows the wearer to breathe in the vacuum of space, as well as underwater, where it will give off a blue glow to provide light.


  • Helion: During missions with the Starforce, Bron-Char was transported on this ship with his companions.





In chronological order:


Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Bron-Char.

External Links[]
