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"Dude, I saw you fight five assassins and a giant Romanian with a razor arm on a moving bus! This is just one guy! Just do it. Then we all get paid and then I'll help you find whoever you're looking for."
―Jon Jon to Shang-Chi[src]

Jon Jon (棟棟) is the former ringmaster at the Golden Daggers Club who joined the Ten Rings under Xu Xialing's leadership.


Golden Daggers Club[]

Needing a ringmaster after establishing the Golden Daggers Club, Xu Xialing hired Jon Jon to work for her. Throughout the years, they became friends as they ran the club and planned the fights, including multiple from Abomination and Wong. In 2024, Jon Jon met Xu Shang-Chi and Katy Chen while on their way to find Xialing. He told them he would help them find her, if Shang-Chi agreed to a fight. When the Ten Rings attacked the Golden Daggers Club, Jon Jon escaped from the building.[1]

Ten Rings[]

Taking over the Ten Rings from her father after his death, Xu Xialing became the leader of the organization, rebuilding the Ten Rings Headquarters, and reshaping it in her image with Jon Jon and Razor Fist by her side.[2]


"Go, Wong! I always bet on Asian."
―Jon Jon to Katy Chen[src]

Jon Jon has an outgoing spirit, greeting strangers with enthusiasm, and as the former ringmaster of the Golden Daggers Club, is full of charisma. He believes that Asians are the best fighters and likes to bet on them to win fights. He is also very loyal to Xu Xialing, joining the Ten Rings as she took the organization over.[1]


"Oh, my Chinese sucks."
"Oh, all good. I can speak A-B-C."
―Katy Chen and Jon Jon[src]
  • Bilingualism: Jon Jon is fluent in his native Mandarin, as well as English.





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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Jon Jon.