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For alternate versions of Nick Fury, see Nick Fury's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated as "Avengers Assassinated".

"The Avengers were always meant to be more than a team. They were an idea, the affirmation of humanity's need to believe that in our darkest hour, we will find our heroes."
―Nick Fury to Phil Coulson[src]

Director Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the project leader behind the Avengers Initiative. Fury begun an investigation to find the serial killer responsible for the death of all the Avengers candidates, discovering it was Yellowjacket. Fury worked with Loki to defeat Yellowjacket before Loki then started an invasion of Earth, motivating Fury to form a new team of Avengers to fight against him.


Avengers Initiative[]

Confronting Tony Stark[]

"There was an idea to bring together a group of..."
"Remarkable people? To see if they could become something more? I know. I’ve heard the speech."
"Then you realize what’s at stake."
"Which is why I’m surprised you’d wanna bet the future of the Avengers Initiative on that."
―Nick Fury and Black Widow[src]

Working as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury launched the Avengers Initiative to recruit the remarkable individuals around the world into the response team to ensure Earth's safety. Together with Black Widow, Fury traveled to Inglewood, California to speak with Tony Stark about his candidature into the Initiative. Romanoff doubted that Stark would be a suitable option for the team, but Fury assured her that despite all his flaws, he had potential, recalling how he trusted Romanoff when he recruited her.

What If..

Fury talks to Tony Stark

Arriving at Randy's Donuts, Fury personally approached the hungover and still suited Stark, telling him to leave the donut and talk to him. As they sat inside the shop, Stark insisted that he had no interest in joining Fury's team, to which Fury noted how Stark still wanted to do everything himself. Fury then turned his attention to the Palladium poisoning on Stark's neck, sarcastically asking how that was working out for him so far. Although Stark tried to assure him that the situation is under his control, Fury told Stark that he had become a problem he and S.H.I.E.L.D. now have to deal with.


Fury witnessing Tony Stark's death

Fury then ordered Romanoff to inject Stark with a shot of Lithium Dioxide to ease the symptoms of Stark's poisoning, when he did not expect it. Fury and Romanoff added that it was not a cure; however, they noticed that Stark's condition did not improve, before he suddenly collapsed on the floor. As Romanoff turned Stark on his back and checked his pulse, she informed Fury that Stark was dead, much to his shock. Romanoff was later taken into custody by the STRIKE agents, as a prime suspect in Stark's murder.[2]

Black Widow's Mission[]

"Someone inside S.H.I.E.L.D. compromised Stark's antidote. I need someone on the outside to find out who."
"Sure you wanna take another big swing on me, boss?"
"Safest bet I'll ever make."
―Nick Fury and Black Widow[src]

Back at the base, Fury received a call from Phil Coulson who informed him that he had found the mysterious object in New Mexico. Fury told Coulson that he had more pressing matters at hand, but he reported that the locals were growing curious about the objects, so Fury ordered to set up a perimeter around wait until his arrival. He then turned his attention to Natasha Romanoff being escorted by Brock Rumlow and Jack Rollins, as Alexander Pierce ordered to bring her in New York City for questioning about the murder of Tony Stark.

Asking the STRIKE agents to let him speak with Romanoff personally, Fury told her that he knows that Romanoff was innocent; however, S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols would not let him set her free. Fury then claimed that someone inside S.H.I.E.L.D. had sabotaged Stark's antidote to assassinate him and ordered Romanoff to conduct her own investigation to find the culprit. Knowing that Romanoff will easily liberate herself from the STRIKE's custody, Fury secretly handed her the ampule with the Lithium Dioxide she injected Stark with. Romanoff questioned if Fury is certain that he can trust Romanoff, but he told her it was the safest bet he ever made, before Romanoff entered the STRIKE vehicle and escaped from the custody afterwards.[2]

New Mexico Incident[]

Nick and Clint 4K screenshot

Fury discusses MjĂžlnir with Hawkeye

"Looks like his and Stark's murders are connected."
"By what?"
"The Avengers Initiative. Seems our killer is going after the candidates."
"If someone wanted to kneecap S.H.I.E.L.D., that’s a good place to start."
―Nick Fury and Black Widow[src]

Fury then headed to Puente Antiguo where S.H.I.E.L.D. set up a perimeter to investigate the mysterious hammer found in the giant crater. When Fury arrived, Hawkeye reported that the researchers have reasons to believe that the hammer came from another world, pointing at the signature it emanated, and added that not a single agent was able to lift it. Fury noted that with the object so powerful, they should expect an owner coming to pick it up, hoping that it would be an ally.

What If..

Fury sees Thor killed by Hawkeye

Suddenly, Phil Coulson sounded the alarm at the facility, after he found several agents incapacitated by an intruder. Fury received a report about the perimeter breach from Coulson and he had a visual on the intruder, who turned out to be Thor, taking a note of his "great hair". Fury then contacted Barton to survey Thor from above, as he took an aim on the intruder, Fury ordered to stand down and see what Thor's intention was. However, as Thor reached to the hammer, Barton's arrow hit him in the heart, causing an instant death, despite Fury ordering him to hold his fire. Although Barton insisted that he did not shoot, Fury saw the arrow that killed Thor, while the agents took Barton into custody.

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Fury finds Clint Barton dead

As Barton was taken to the holding cell, Fury received an autopsy report on Thor, suggesting that he was more than a thousand years old and from another world. Coulson expressed his concern that both Thor and Tony Stark, high value S.H.I.E.L.D. targets, were killed by their own agents within 24 hours, which troubled Fury as well. As Barton would continue to insist that he had no intention to disobey an order and kill Thor, noting that he never misfires, Fury decided to talk to him personally. However, when Fury approached Barton, he found him dead, despite Coulson confirming that no one entered the cell while Barton was there.

Clint Barton's corpse

Fury stands near Clint Barton's body

Examining Barton's body, Coulson suggested that he took a cyanide capsule; however, Fury ruled out suicide as a cause of death, as Barton had a family to take care of. Knowing that Barton would not go down willingly, Fury came to the conclusion that Barton was murdered by the same person who was responsible for Stark's death. Coulson noticed that Barton was under observation at the cell and there was nothing on him that indicated a murder, but Fury reminded him of a dead alien body, adding that everything was possible.

In an attempt to find the culprit, Fury established a connection between Stark and Barton and remembered that both of them were candidates of the Avengers Initiative. Knowing that Natasha Romanoff was also a candidate, Fury reached out to her, while she was at the Culver University to seek help from Betty Ross. Fury informed Romanoff that Barton was dead, knowing how much he meant to Romanoff, who only replied by asking who does she needs to kill. Fury told her that the murders of Stark and Barton were likely connected by the Avengers Initiative, as Romanoff suggested that the culprit wants to kneecap S.H.I.E.L.D. by disrupting the Initiative. Fury then informed Romanoff that the last surviving candidates are Bruce Banner and Romanoff herself, ordering her to find Banner and hide, to which she replied that Banner was already found.[2]

Asgardians' Visit[]


Fury confronts Loki and the army of Asgard

"I promise, when I find your brother's killer, you will have your pound of flesh."
"What a fascinating choice of words. But I shall require the entire corpse."
"You need to give me time."
―Nick Fury and Loki[src]

Before they could continue the investigation, Fury was informed about an unusual energy surge in New Mexico, as Phil Coulson reported about the anomaly he witnessed, which brought a large group of strange individuals with it. Fury headed to the location with S.H.I.E.L.D. tactical unit, where they were confronted by the army of Einherjar, led by Loki. Loki introduced himself as the Crown Prince of Asgard and the rightful King of Jotunheim; however, he was interrupted by Fury's phone call that he had to receive. Fury received a call from Natasha Romanoff who reported that she and Bruce Banner were surrounded by the U.S. military troops, led by Thaddeus Ross; however, Fury was too busy dealing with Asgardians.

Fury questioned what brought Asgardians on Earth, to which Loki replied that he is seeking vengeance for the death of Thor who was killed by an agent of Earth. Loki assumed that Fury failed to comprehend the enormity situation, as he prepared the Casket of Ancient Winters, and when Fury asked Loki about it, he responded by his intention to take his planet as retribution. Loki then used the Casket to fire a freezing blast at S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, forcing Fury to take cover to avoid getting frozen to death.

Nick Fury What If..

Fury makes a deal with Loki

Fury told Loki that declaring a war between their worlds will not bring Thor back from the dead, as Sif stopped Loki and convinced him that Odin would want them to listen. Fury assured Loki that they have a mutual enemy, who was responsible for the deaths of Thor, Tony Stark, and Clint Barton, and suggest to work together and take the culprit down. Loki had no interest in allying himself with S.H.I.E.L.D., so Fury asked him to give him time to find his brother's killer, so Loki would get his revenge from them. Loki decided to cooperate and gave Fury time until the next sunrise to find the assassin, otherwise, Earth will be reduced to ash and ice by him.[2]

Romanoff's Final Message[]

You proposed the Avengers Initiative

Fury and Phil Coulson discuss the Avengers

"I’m not the only Avenger left."
"What? Is that a beeper from the '90s?"
"Also our last hope... 'Hope. It's all about Hope.'"
―Nick Fury and Phil Coulson[src]

As the investigation hit the dead end, Fury attended Isabela's Diner where he received a voice message from Natasha Romanoff who tried to tell him something about "hope", before the assassin murdered her as well. Phil Coulson reminded him that they are running out of time for their deal, noting that the situation with the Asgardians was the exact reason why the Avengers Initiative was launched in the first place, and reminded Fury that the last name in the candidate list was his. Fury, however, noted that he was not the only Avenger left, picking up his Transmitter Pager and сonsidered calling Carol Danvers for help.


Fury calmly approaching the Destroyer

However, Fury recalled Romanoff's last words "It's all about hope", and realized that she meant to say Hope van Dyne, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who fell victim on the mission in Odesa. Fury was certain that van Dyne's father, Hank Pym was involved in the murders of the Initiative candidates, so he decided to confront him. Fury headed out to speak with Loki, and relayed his message through the Destroyer, asking for Loki's help to take down the assassin once and for all.[2]

Ambush on Yellowjacket[]

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Fury witnesses Hank Pym being taken away

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is people. People willing to give their lives for something greater than themselves to save the world from men like you. Agent Hope van Dyne understood that and she will never be forgotten."
―Nick Fury to Hank Pym[src]

Planning an ambush on Hank Pym, Fury and Loki arrived at San Francisco, where Loki disguised himself as Fury to lure Pym out. Waiting at Hope van Dyne's grave, Loki was confronted by Pym in the Yellowjacket Suit, who admitted to murdering the Avengers Initiative candidates, as he blamed Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. for his daughter's death. Pym intended to kill Fury as well; however, Loki easily overpowered him and Fury revealed himself, as their ambush was successful. Fury told Pym that S.H.I.E.L.D. is all about people willing to sacrifice their lives for the greater good and his wife and daughter both understood it very well, to which Pym replied that Fury should honor van Dyne's sacrifice.

As Pym was taken away by the Einherjar to be tried for Thor's murder, Fury told Loki to take the MjĂžlnir and leave Earth immediately. However, Loki had no intention to leave Earth and informed Fury that Asgardians will extend their stay on his planet. The next day, the Einherjar armies occupied Earth, as Loki made a statement to the United Nations in New York City that Earth now belongs to him.[2]

New Avengers[]

Reactivating the Initiative[]

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Fury mourns the fallen Avengers

"The Avengers fell before they had a chance to rise. May they rest in peace."
"They can, but we won't."
―Phil Coulson and Nick Fury[src]

Back at the headquarters, Fury and Phil Coulson paid their respects to the fallen Avengers Initiative candidates, who died before they could even become a team. Coulson remarked that the Avengers fell before they even had a chance to rise, but Fury told him that while they may rest in peace, they cannot. Fury noted that the Avengers were always meant to be more than just a team, they were meant to be an affirmation that even in the darkest hour, humanity will be saved by their heroes.

Knowing that Loki and his army must be stopped, Fury made a decision to reactivate the Avengers Initiative and find heroes who can stop Asgardians invading Earth. Fury traveled to Arctic where he discovered Captain America who had been frozen ever since World War II, welcoming his back to his fight. Fury also used the Transmitter Pager and summoned Captain Marvel to join their team, as she was eager to join the battle.[2]

Attack on the Helicarrier[]

"You're not my Natasha, but something tells me you have her spirit."
―Nick Fury to Black Widow[src]

As the new Avengers were formed, Fury launched a counter-attack to take Loki down, which resulted in the battle between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Einherjar on the Helicarrier. While Captain America and Captain Marvel assisted S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the battle, Fury ended up being pinned down by Loki. He admitted that Fury's new Avengers fought valiantly but not enough, preparing to use the Scepter to enthrall Fury and found out all of his secrets.

Suddenly, Fury was saved by none other than Black Widow, who managed to strike Loki down and used the Scepter to render him neutralized. Looking at Black Widow, Fury realized that she was not the same Natasha Romanoff he ever knew and who was killed by Yellowjacket, but noticed that she had the same spirit as her. With Black Widow joining the Avengers, they continued their fight with the Asgardian army to retake Earth from the invaders.[3]


This section requires expansion

To be added


"So, what's the move?"
"Same as always. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."
―Hawkeye and Nick Fury[src]
  • Master Tactician: As the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury is able to make multiple very important strategic decisions at once, creating strategies and plans several steps ahead of his enemies and allies alike. Fury personally launched and spearheaded the Avengers Initiative, aimed at forming a response team of remarkable individuals to ensure global security.
  • Expert Combatant: Fury is highly trained in the field of martial arts.
  • Expert Marksman: Fury is highly trained to use firearms with military precision.
  • Master Spy: Fury is highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, and infiltration, capable of breaching high-security facilities without being detected.






  • Fury's drink of choice is a double macchiato.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Nick Fury/Avengers Assassinated.

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