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"Priscilla Davis is out of the picture."
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"Doctor Priscilla Davis had a congenital heart defect. She was keeping it a secret. Didn't want the people she loved gathered around for months, watching her die in a hospital."
―Varra to Nick Fury[src]

Doctor Priscilla Davis was a scientist who died of a congenital heart defect.


Deal with Varra[]

"You asked if you could assume her life?"
"I asked if she wanted to fall in love. She wanted to know how, of course. And I told her about you. She made me make her three promises. One, that I would bury her at sea, which I did. Two, that I would continue to be a daughter to her parents."
"Which you've also done. Three?"
"That I would never hurt you."
―Nick Fury and Varra[src]

Priscilla Davis was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect which she kept secret, not wanting her loved ones to watch her dying for months. During her time at the hospital, Davis became close with the Skrull Varra. Varra visited her almost every day, and the two developed a close bond. Hours before Davis' death, Varra offered her a chance to be in love and asked to take her likeness, telling her about Nick Fury. Davis agreed under the conditions that Varra bury her at sea, continue to be a daughter to Davis' parents, and never hurt Fury. Davis then died, and Varra kept her promises.[1]



  • Parents


  • Varra - Friend and Former Impersonator

