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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated as "Corrupted Doctor Strange".

The Resurrection of Christine Palmer was multiple inhumane attempts by Doctor Strange to go back in time and save Christine Palmer's life despite knowing that it was impossible.


The Death of Palmer[]

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, Christine! Come on! Christine!"
Stephen Strange[src]

In 2016, Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer were on their way to a special event when Strange made a grave mistake by going around a truck. He swerved away from the oncoming traffic and saved the couple, but they were then hit from behind, killing Palmer. Seeking a new life, Strange found his way to Kamar-Taj and became a Master of the Mystic Arts, defeating Dormammu.[1]


Rescue of Christine Palmer[]

"I only want you. You're the only thing that matters."
Stephen Strange to Christine Palmer[src]
Strange Time Stone What If

Doctor Strange travels back in time

Doctor Strange decided to use the Eye of Agamotto to go back in time to save his love, Christine Palmer. He tried multiple strategies such as going a different route, having Christine drive, and abandoning the event altogether, however all of these attempts were futile as Christine died in every timeline. The Ancient One came to Strange to explain that Palmer's death was an absolute point in time, and thus could not be prevented as the resulting events would ensure the universe's survival.[1]

Attack on Doctor Strange[]


The Ancient One prepares to split Doctor Strange

"Stephen, this path only leads to darkness and the end of this reality. Please, do not do this, or I will be forced to stop you."
Ancient One to Stephen Strange[src]

Despite hearing the Ancient One's warnings, Doctor Strange refused to listen to reason, saying that she herself taught him that nothing was impossible and that he simply required more power. The Ancient One informed him that the most powerful sorcerers did not succeed in reversing absolute points, leading Strange to resolve to go back in time to acquire lost knowledge. Strange prepared the Eye of Agamotto forcing the Ancient One to draw upon the power of the Dark Dimension to split Doctor Strange in half. While the one version continued down his dark path, his counterpart resisted the impulse to rescue Christine and continued down the path he was destined for.

Attack on the Mystic Beings[]

What If..

Doctor Strange in the Lost Library of Cagliostro

"Aha! 'Gain the power from the absorption of other beings.'"
Doctor Strange[src]

Doctor Strange ended up outside the Lost Library of Cagliostro, where he met O'Bengh, a wise being who guarded the library, although he was secretly Cagliostro in disguise. O'Bengh tried to warn Strange that messing with the passage of time was reckless, but Strange didn't listen. Researching hundreds of the books in the library, Strange learned that he could gain more power by absorbing mystical beings. Strange first tried to summon a tentacled being, but was overpowered and nearly killed by it. He was nursed back to health by O'Bengh, who once again warned Strange of his recklessness.[1]


Doctor Strange with a dying O'Bengh

Recovering from the attack, Strange decided to restart his mission, this time starting with smaller beings such as a gnome. Bigger and more powerful beings, such as a dragon, were summoned and absorbed as Strange went on. Eventually, Strange once more summoned the being who nearly killed him, and swiftly absorbed it. Satisfied, Strange went to visit O'Bengh, who was now old and dying. O'Bengh revealed that 200 years had passed, and also that Strange could not bring back Christine Palmer yet, as there was another version of him who had never used the eye.[1]

Duel at the End of the Universe[]

What If 1x4 4K screenshot13

Doctor Strange and his counterpart face off

"You can't do this."
"But we must."
Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange[src]

Strange Supreme, now an extremely powerful being in his own right, confronted his alternate self in a mystical duel. Strange Supreme was told off by his counterpart, but refused to listen or acknowledge any reason, believing them to be lies. Strange Supreme even made an illusion of Christine Palmer to try to convince his alternate self. Despite the efforts of the Strange that wasn't corrupted, such as his most powerful spells and protection from Wong and the Cloak of Levitation, he and the Cloak were defeated by Strange Supreme's near-infinite power.

Strange is absorbed by Corrupted Strange

Doctor Strange absorbs his counterpart

During one last plea for reason, Strange pointed out to his corrupted self that the universe was dying, and that it was because of his disastrous efforts to save Christine. But Strange Supreme still absorbed his other self, and proceeded to revive Palmer. This caused the universe and everyone in it to die. Strange Supreme tried to save the universe with a horrified Palmer in his arms, and pleaded for The Watcher to intervene, but his efforts were once again futile, and the world collapsed in on him. Palmer passed away once more and Strange was left in a shell of his former universe.[1]


Christine - reality's destruction

Christine Palmer dies in Doctor Strange's arms

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
Doctor Strange[src]

Sitting with the love of his life dying once again in his arms, Doctor Strange realized that he was stuck for eternity with no one, crying that he was sorry..[1] Later, he was greeted by The Watcher, who wanted his help defeating Ultron.[2] During this battle, Doctor Strange helped form the Guardians of the Multiverse. When Ultron was defeated, Arnim Zola and Erik Killmonger got greedy, wanting the Infinity Stones for themselves. Doctor Strange ended up imprisoning them in a Mirror Dimension capsule. He then returned to his universe, stuck watching them for eternity.[3]

Gathering Universe Killers[]

Universe Destroyers 1

Doctor Strange's collected Universe Destroyers

Some time later, Doctor Strange was able to find or create a new home, the Sanctum Infinitum. There, he kept various universe killers and dangerous beings, such as Arnim Zola and Erik Killmonger, in the prison. Strange then realized that if he gathered enough powerful beings, he could harness their life and power in a Forge to generate enough energy to revive his universe and save Christine Palmer.[4]

Chase of Kahhori[]

What If S2 Deck the Halls (17)

Kahhori catches Captain Carter's shield

"I'm not a universe killer. He is."
Kahhori to Captain Carter[src]

One of the final beings Doctor Strange intended to imprison and harness for his cause was Kahhori,[4] a Mohawk woman with enhanced abilities from the Sky World.[5] Kahhori ultimately escaped Strange and learned the truth about his intentions and actions. Because of this, Strange recruited his old friend and ally, Captain Peggy Carter, to help. Carter retrieved Kahhori, but was informed of Strange's true plan, which she heavily opposed. Carter used her shield to free the imprisoned beings, and a chaotic battle began.[4]

Battle at the Sanctum Infinitum[]

Universe Killer Prison Riot

The prisoners fight each other

"You are finished."
"Not entirely."
Doctor Strange and Hela[src]

With the imprisoned beings freed, the Sanctum devolved into chaos. The prisoners began fighting each other and Doctor Strange retreated to his Forge. Captain Carter and Kahhori fought through the prisoners to find Strange and confront him again, with Carter gaining Infinity Armor from Erik Killmonger. This resulted in a battle, in which Strange trapped Carter in an illusion with her love, Steve Rogers. Carter broke free of the illusion after seeing through it. Despite Carter's use of the Infinity Stones, Strange was still more powerful.

Fighting your inner demons

Doctor Strange falls into the Forge

Strange turned on the Forge and summoned his surviving prisoners over it to be dropped into it. The prisoners, aware of the consequences of Strange's success, began tossing their weapons and equipment to Carter and Kahhori, such as Hela's Crown and Mjolnir, and they used them to free the prisoners before Kahhori sent them back to their home universes. They then put Strange himself into the Forge, initially trying to separate himself from his literal inner demons, but to no avail. Strange died along with his demons, and the battle was finished.[4]


Captain Carter and Uatu

Peggy Carter and The Watcher discuss Doctor Strange

"There she is. That's Christine. Strange's plan worked."
"Yes, but at the cost of his life. He recreated this universe, but was never born into it, and never will be."
Captain Carter and The Watcher[src]

With the death of Strange Supreme, the Forge gained enough power to revive his home universe, and everyone in it except for Strange himself. Kahhori returned home, and Peggy Carter was able to spend time with The Watcher. He explained the importance of his job, and the vast amount of stories yet to be explored in the Multiverse. He then showed Carter his view of the Multiverse, and finally, Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life created by Loki and his keeping of the timelines.[4]

