Consider the problem asked in my quiz of abstract algebra.
Let R be a commutative ring and P be a prime ideal and $I_1$ and $I_2$ are ideals such that $P= I_1 \bigcap I_2$. Then prove that either $P=I_1$ or $P= I_2$.
Attempt: $P=I_1 \bigcap I_2$ implies that $P\subseteq I_1 \bigcap I_2$ , and I proved that in this case $P\subseteq I_1$ or $P\subseteq I_2$. But I am unable to prove the converse that $I_1\subseteq P$ or $I_2\subseteq P$.
I shall be really thankful for your help.
instead of\bigcap
. $\endgroup$