I would like to make the surface of my 3D plot have reflection and shadows, like in this plot:
(from here).
Is there any way to do this with Mathematica? If not, what software can make plots like these?
I would like to make the surface of my 3D plot have reflection and shadows, like in this plot:
(from here).
Is there any way to do this with Mathematica? If not, what software can make plots like these?
Here is an example based on the answer alluded to in my above comment. I will create some fake data of Gaussian's for illustration purpose and apply Textures, Specularity, and Point Lighting.
f[x_, y_] := E^(-x^2 - y^2)
Plot3D[1.5 f[x, y] + f[x + 2, y + 2] + f[x - 2, y - 2] +
1/2 (f[x + 2, y - 2] + f[x - 2, y + 2]), {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4},
Mesh -> 10, ImageSize -> 400, Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> All,
TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#3, #3} &),
PlotStyle ->
Directive[Specularity[White, 50],
FaceForm[Texture[ColorData["SouthwestColors", "Image"]]]],
Axes -> False, Lighting -> {{"Point", White, {4, 0, 8}}},
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PlotPoints -> 50, Boxed -> False,
ViewPoint -> Top, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"]
To investigate directional lighting we can borrow and adapt the code from the Wolfram U course Advanced 3D Graphics in the Wolfram Language to create a nice dynamic visualization.
With[{pt =
6 {Cos[θ] Cos[ρ], Sin[θ] Cos[ρ],
Sin[ρ]}, center = {0, 0, 0}},
1.5 f[x, y] + f[x + 2, y + 2] + f[x - 2, y - 2] +
1/2 (f[x + 2, y - 2] + f[x - 2, y + 2]), {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4},
Mesh -> 10, ImageSize -> 400, Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> All,
TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#3, #3} &),
PlotStyle ->
Directive[Specularity[White, 50],
FaceForm[Texture[ColorData["SouthwestColors", "Image"]]]],
Axes -> False, Lighting -> {{"Directional", color, {pt, center}}},
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PlotPoints -> 50, Boxed -> False],
Specularity[White, 50],
If[show, {color,
Style[Cylinder[{pt, 1.05 pt}, .5],
Lighting -> "Neutral"]}, {}]],
Opacity[.1], Sphere[center, 6]},
Lighting -> {{"Directional", color, {pt, center}}}],
show, {Gray, Dashed,
6 {Cos[t] Cos[ρ], Sin[t] Cos[ρ], Sin[ρ]}, {t,
0, 2 π, (2 π)/50}]]}, {}]]],
show, {Gray, Dashed,
6 {Cos[θ] Cos[s], Sin[θ] Cos[s], Sin[s]}, {s,
0, Pi}, {s, 0, 2 π, (2 π)/50}]]}, {}]]],
PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {.5, 6}}, PlotRangePadding -> .5,
Boxed -> False,
ViewAngle -> .283, ViewCenter -> {{.5, .5, .5}, {.5, .6}}
{color, LightBlue},
{{θ, 0}, 0, 2 π}, {{ρ, π/4}, 0, π},
{{show, True, "show light"}, {False, True}}, ControlPlacement -> Left,
Initialization :> {
dirplane =
ParametricPlot3D[{x, y, 0}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}, Mesh -> None,
BoundaryStyle -> Gray, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"]
The sample image provided in the OP has a color map that as far as I can tell is not in the ColorData
collection. The colors in the image seem to go from Purple->Green->Yellow similar to the perceptually uniform Viridis color map. The following workflow shows how to create a custom ColorData["xxxx","Image"] function using a color map you like from the web and create a banding effect by brightening the colors. By using MeshShading
, one can alternate between bright and normal colors creating a banding effect.
(* Create Viridis ColorFunction *)
img = ImageCrop@
dims = ImageDimensions[img];
colorrgb1 = {ImageData[img][[IntegerPart@(dims[[2]]/2), All]]};
(* Brighten Slightly *)
colorrgb2 = 1.1*{ImageData[img][[IntegerPart@(dims[[2]]/2), All]]};
(* Look at InputForm of ColorData["SouthwestColors","Image"]*)
cmfn = Graphics[{Raster[#, {{0, 0}, {1, 1}}]},
{ImageSize -> 250, ContentSelectable -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1/8,
PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}}] &;
(* Create ColorData suitable for textures *)
cmimg1 = cmfn@colorrgb1;
cmimg2 = cmfn@colorrgb2;
(* Create Test Function *)
f[x_, y_] := E^(-x^2 - y^2)
fs[x_, y_] := (6 f[x, y] + 4 (f[x + 2, y + 2] + f[x - 2, y - 2]) +
9 (f[x + 2, y - 2] + f[x - 2, y + 2]))/9
(* Alternating FaceForms for Mesh *)
ff1 = FaceForm[Texture[cmimg1]];
ff2 = FaceForm[Texture[cmimg2]];
(* Plot the function *)
ParametricPlot3D[{x, y, fs[x, y]}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}, Mesh -> 25,
ImageSize -> 400, Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> All,
TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#3, #3} &), Axes -> False,
Lighting -> {{"Directional", White, {{10, 5, 10}, {0, 0, 0}}}},
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PlotPoints -> 75, Boxed -> False,
ViewPoint -> Top, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
MeshShading -> {Directive[Specularity[White, 80], ff2],
Directive[Specularity[White, 80], ff1]}]
This Thread contains a number of custom color maps including those of the Vidiris family. Here is a workflow using color map that goes Red->Blue->Green->Yellow that appears to match the colors better.
(* Create Viridis ColorFunction *)
<< "http://pastebin.com/raw/pFsb4ZBS";
colorrgb1 = {MPLColorMap["EricsRdBuGnYl2"] /@ Subdivide[1, 50]} /.
RGBColor[x__] :> List[x];
(* Darken Slightly *)
colorrgb2 = 0.85*colorrgb1;
(* Look at InputForm of ColorData["SouthwestColors","Image"]*)
cmfn = Graphics[{Raster[#, {{0, 0}, {1, 1}}]},
{ImageSize -> 250, ContentSelectable -> False,
AspectRatio -> 1/8,
PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}}] &;
(* Create ColorData suitable for textures *)
cmimg1 = cmfn@colorrgb1;
cmimg2 = cmfn@colorrgb2;
(* Create Test Function *)
f[x_, y_] := E^(-x^2 - y^2)
fs[x_, y_] := (6 f[x, y] + 4 (f[x + 2, y + 2] + f[x - 2, y - 2]) +
9 (f[x + 2, y - 2] + f[x - 2, y + 2]))/9
(* Alternating FaceForms for Mesh *)
ff1 = FaceForm[Texture[cmimg1]];
ff2 = FaceForm[Texture[cmimg2]];
(* Plot the function *)
ParametricPlot3D[{x, y, fs[x, y]}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}, Mesh -> 25,
ImageSize -> 400, Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> All,
TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#3, #3} &), Axes -> False,
Lighting -> {{"Directional", White, {{10, 5, 20}, {0, 0, 0}}}},
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PlotPoints -> 75, Boxed -> False,
ViewPoint -> Top, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
MeshShading -> {Directive[Specularity[White, 80], ff2],
Directive[Specularity[White, 80], ff1]}]
. Perhaps this answer 221946 will give some ideas. $\endgroup$