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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Questions on creating visualizations from functions or data using high-level constructors such as Plot, ListPlot, Histogram, etc.
Questions on the manipulation of List objects in Mathematica, and the functions used for these manipulations.
Questions on the symbolic (DSolve, DifferentialRoot) and numerical (NDSolve) solutions of differential equations in Mathematica.
Questions on the analytic and numerical equation solving functions of Mathematica (Solve, Reduce, NSolve, FindRoot, DSolve, RSolve, etc.).
Questions related to the calculus and analysis branches of Mathematica, including, but not limited to, limits, derivatives, integrals, series, and residues.
Questions on the construction of 2D and 3D graphics through the direct use of primitives, directives, and functions. Include the graphics3d tag for questions specifically on 3D graphics. This tag is n…
Questions about the use of built-in Mathematica functions, including pure functions.
Questions on the manipulation of matrices in Mathematica.
Questions on the use of numerical functions NIntegrate and NDSolve.
Questions on optimizing Mathematica code for higher performance. This may mean faster execution, lower memory usage or both. Not to be confused with mathematical optimization.
Questions on manipulating complicated expressions and making them look simpler using Simplify, FullSimplify and Reduce.
For questions on writing functions (pure or using Set/SetDelayed) for any purpose, including the features that may be incorporated in those functions, such as options, patterns and conditions.
Questions on the optimization functions of Mathematica such as FindMinimum/FindMaximum, Minimize/Maximize, NMinimize/NMaximize, etc.
For questions specific to the Graphics3D command and related 3D graphics functionality.
Questions on the numerical functions of Mathematica, implementing numerical methods and numerical computing with Mathematica.
Questions about handling graphs in Mathematica, graph theory, graph visualization, GraphPlot, the built-in Graph type and the Combinatorica` package.
Questions on the Manipulate function of Mathematica, a function that allows the interactive manipulation of certain parameters in a Mathematica expression.
2076 questions
reserved for questions where the problem has been vetted by this community and the observed behavior is confirmed to be a bug. Please do not use this tag for new questions. Please use th…
Questions related to the Mathematica front-end (graphical user interface).
Questions about systematic data collection and organization, or the application of probability theory to model the inherent patterns and properties of sampled data, underlying data distribution(s) or …
Questions on converting data, graphics, sound etc. from Mathematica into other file formats.
Questions on the use of Mathematica to construct models for approximating empirical data.
Questions on the image processing capabilities implemented in Mathematica.
1663 questions
Questions about Mathematica functionality related to manipulating vector spaces and linear mappings between such spaces. This includes determination of matrix properties, matrix transformations, decom…
For questions about symbolic computation, as opposed to numerical computations.
Questions about how Mathematica evaluates expressions, tracing evaluation (Trace*), handling expressions in unevaluated form (Hold*, Unevaluated), nonstandard evaluation, etc.
Questions on writing non-trivial programs in Mathematica. Do not use this tag for questions on plotting/graphics or for questions on doing mathematics with Mathematica, where the focus is more on the …
1596 questions
Questions about getting data, files, images etc. from various formats into a form that can be read, tranformed and manipulated by Mathematica
1591 questions
Questions on expression testing and manipulation through pattern matching and constructing efficient patterns.
Usage of the Finite Element Method embedded in NDSolve and details on the implementation of the fem in mathematica.
Questions relating to the dynamic family of functions in Mathematica, such as Dynamic, DynamicModule and Manipulate.
Questions on the special mathematical functions implemented in Mathematica.
Specify and control how Mathematica formats its output, including rich text, equations and graphics.
1440 questions
Questions about using complex numbers in Mathematica. This includes basic arithmetic, functions of complex numbers, plotting complex functions, and dealing with branch cuts.
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