Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Goopy" was the name given to a small gelatinous lifeform that Ensign D'Vana Tendi was studying aboard the USS Cerritos in 2381. She kept Goopy in a beaker of water. Its first escape occurred when she was accidentally bumped by Hans Federov, but she was able to quickly recover it.

Goopy escaped a second time when Sam Rutherford bumped her as he jumped down from his bunk. Tendi chased it into a Jefferies tube, where she overheard a trio of delta shifters plotting to rig a lottery for newly available crew quarters. (LD: "Room for Growth")

According to an Instagram log recorded after the episode, Goopy escaped at least once more after the events of the episode, leading Rutherford to conclude that it was "getting smarter" and that Tendi needed to keep it in something more secure than the beaker.
