Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

The iTunes Store is an online retailer that sells digital media, including music, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, podcasts, and games. It is operated by Apple, Inc. and is currently the leading music vendor in the United States.


Apple App Store


Apple Books

Many Star Trek novels published by Pocket Books are available on Apple Books. Audiobooks are also available.

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In December 2008, it was announced that IDW Publishing was starting a regular publishing cycle via iTunes, beginning with Best of Peter David No. 1 (which reprints "A Rude Awakening!"). The remaining issues that make up Best of Peter David followed. [1]

Many IDW Star Trek comics are now available on Apple Books, either as individual issues, collections, or both.

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Apple TV[]

Apple TV


As of November 2019, Apple TV has digital copies of the following seasons available for purchase in both Canada and the United States:



External links[]
