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Questions tagged [featured]

A special moderator-only tag to mark important discussions on Meta Stack Exchange. A question with this tag here on this site is featured on the whole network.

-15 votes
6 answers

Preventing unauthorized automated access to the network

Stack Exchange is implementing four new restrictions to prevent unauthorized automated access to the network. These restrictions should not affect day-to-day network usage; however, they are still ...
Slate's user avatar
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-21 votes
11 answers

User activation: Learnings and opportunities

We mentioned in our roadmap update that user activation was an area that we are prioritizing. In this post, we will go through the background, challenges, and opportunities that we will be focusing on....
jkm's user avatar
  • 307
20 votes
6 answers

Join Stack Overflow’s CEO and me for the first Stack IRL Community Event in NYC on October 10th, 2024 (space is very limited)

One of the great staples - and most fun parts - of online communities is, ironically, the chance to meet offline. It’s something that I’ve enjoyed greatly throughout my career. Since joining Stack ...
Philippe's user avatar
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