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Can we have automatic pretty links to questions in comments? [duplicate]

I adore that you can write a link to a Stack Exchange question in a post like: and it automatically expands to Why is "using namespace std;" ...
Jan Schultke's user avatar
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Hovering link to question show the wrong title based on link itself

I see a link to this post: How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file? Here it is: As you can see, the question is named "how can i convert" with lower cases but the question have ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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Markup shorthand to link to another question

In comments, I frequently find myself linking to other questions, usually because something is very similar to a frequently-asked question but I'm not quite confident enough to deploy the dupehammer. ...
David Maze's user avatar
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There's no way to link to comments on articles

I just tried to get a link to one of the comments that were added to an article but I noticed that the comment timestamp is not clickable: Then, I tried to construct the URL myself by getting the ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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Answer deleted & converted to a comment. Should it link to the comment?

As you know, diamond moderators can convert answers to comments when necessary. Here is how the banner (that appears over such deleted answers) looks like: This answer is hidden. This answer was ...
Red's user avatar
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Tags in comments have same style as normal links

When I want to insert reference to a certain tag I use following syntax [tag:tagname] In posts tag looks like this tagname and link looks like this somelink. But in comments both looks the same. Am ...
Sinatr's user avatar
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When posting raw question links in comments, add the question title

While browsing questions, I frequently find myself linking to other questions in the comments. For example, I might close vote a question as a duplicate, but also link several other questions that ...
Justin's user avatar
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List of all Stack Overflow link shortcuts [duplicate]

When commenting on questions/answers it's possible to type [Ask] to link to and [mcve] to link to Is there a ...
admcfajn's user avatar
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Comment link not formatted

I left a link as a comment here. It did not show up as a proper link. Perhaps because the title has has parens, square brackets, and a forward slash. Note: it does not show it, but I entered https:// ...
001's user avatar
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Is there a shortcut for adding title of linked-questions in comments? [duplicate]

When I want to add a link in a comment, I always do the following: Copy the question's URL, paste it: Copy the ...
Mistalis's user avatar
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Abbreviated URLs in comments render … instead of …

Well, what the title says. If I post an URL in a comment, it gets shortened, and the ellipsis is shown by …. Or at least, should be, because it shows up as ….
Bergi's user avatar
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URLs in comments not being parsed correctly

I'm seeing a number of links for URL's in comments being truncated early, e.g; ... on
Matt's user avatar
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Do Successful User Tags in Comments Get Hyperlinked?

I was reviewing ... re: the format for tagging users who are related to a comment. I was wondering whether a hyperlink is typically dropped ...
Jason R. Mick's user avatar
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How do I deep link to a comment?

Related but for answers only: How do you deep link to an answer? How do I do the same for a comment? The only way I found is inspecting the pages source code and find the comment's id in the HTML, but ...
baao's user avatar
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A small bug using markdown with links in comments

In here I wrote a comment with markdown: This is roughly true, but the actual conditions are "(1)one-char String and this character is not one of the RegEx's meta characters ".$|()[{^?*+\\", or (2)...
eis's user avatar
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