Update on September 18th, 2024 : this feature is now live!

As a response to feedback since the launch of Staging Ground, we are excited to announce a new feature, the stats widget, launching next week. This feature is aimed at recognizing and incentivizing the invaluable contributions of our Staging Ground reviewers. Reviewers who volunteer their time and effort to help new askers improve their questions before they are posted publicly can now get a glimpse into the impact of their contributions. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the reviewer experience and encourage more participation in Staging Ground.

Stats widget

Once a reviewer has accumulated enough activity, their stats will be prominently displayed in the right sidebar on the Staging Ground homepage. This feature is currently exclusive to reviewers who participate in Staging Ground, but we are exploring the possibility of displaying relevant stats to askers in the future as well.

Reviewer stats are updated daily, with some metrics relying on activity from the last 30 days. As reviewers continue to participate in Staging Ground, their metrics will be updated regularly, allowing them to track their impact over time. Check back often to see how your contributions are making a difference!

For applicable stats, reviewers will see a colored arrow beside each metric.

Sidebar with highlighted arrows

  • Green arrows represent an increase in the stat compared to the last 30 days.
  • Gray arrows represent a decrease in the stat compared to the last 30 days.
  • Dark brown arrows represent a neutral (neither positive nor negative) change in the stat compared to the last 30 days.

What are we tracking

Currently, there are six available stats. Stats are displayed based on your recent and current activity levels. They will be available once you have some activity which includes reviewing posts and applying review actions. Once you have enough activity, your stats will be displayed in the right sidebar on the Staging Ground homepage:

  1. Reviews completed today measures the number of Staging Ground questions you reviewed today out of the daily maximum of 50.
  2. Reviewer activity rank measures your Staging Ground activity rank out of the top 50 reviewers. Your rank is refreshed daily using your activity from the last 30 days. Activity is defined as applying eligible reviewer actions, including “edit post,” “approve and post on main site,” “conditionally approve with minor edits,” “require major changes,” “vote as off-topic,” “vote as duplicate,” and “decline request for re-evaluation.” If your rank is not in the top 50, this stat will not be visible to you.
  3. Total askers helped measures the total number of new askers you have helped with your reviews in Staging Ground out of the total number of askers helped by all reviewers.
  4. Total approved questions measures the total number of Staging Ground questions you approved out of the total number of questions approved by all reviewers.
  5. Question survival rate measures the percentage of Staging Ground questions you approved that were not closed nor deleted within their first 7 days of appearing on the main site during the last 30 days.
  6. Question success rate measures the percentage of Staging Ground questions you approved that were not closed or deleted on the main site, and received an answer or a question score of +2, during the last 30 days.

We hope this improvement will help Staging Ground reviewers see the significant impact their hard work is making. If you have suggestions on additional stats to include, we would love to hear how this widget can be improved. Please let us know below or by completing this survey, we look forward to hearing your feedback.

  • 8
    so... because i have no recent activity, i can't see stats on any of my past activity?
    – Kevin B
    Commented Sep 12 at 19:02
  • 5
    Yeah, could you define "enough activity"...?, what is the metric/threshold...?, all times/last 30 days...? // I don't understand the "vs" in "vs last 30 days" for a few sections, compared to "in last 30 days" for other sections...? // In 'Reviewer activity rank', "edit post" (all commas should be outside the double quotes btw) is mentioned, while it doesn't count as a Review.
    – chivracq
    Commented Sep 12 at 19:15
  • 15
    It seems like only the reviewer that "Approve and publish"es a post gets credit for it (for metrics 4,5,6), even if someone else actually spent their time in the back-and-forth with OP. Wouldn't we want to incentivize the time-consuming edit-feedback-repeat process rather than making the stats based around approvals? Commented Sep 12 at 19:25
  • 18
    Why is this so heavily gamified? I don't need to see three different rankings for a single kind of review.
    – Anerdw
    Commented Sep 12 at 19:27
  • 8
    Great, and I'll never appear on it because you refuse to send content to the SG... Fix the SG first then add game features...
    – Thom A
    Commented Sep 12 at 19:31
  • 2
    Since I only review the stuff that's in my wheelhouse it's gonna be a while before I get the stats, methinks. I've yet to see 50 C++ SG questions in one day, and trust me you don't want me <expletive deleted>ing around in the python questions. Commented Sep 12 at 22:57
  • 7
    That said, I think this is a good start. Gamification without handing out internet points might be enough to up the involvement and hopefully drive more content to SG for vetting. Commented Sep 12 at 23:08
  • 1
    Is there any reason that the gray color is picked to represent a decrease, instead of the usual choice of red?
    – ray
    Commented Sep 13 at 0:38
  • 3
    I would assume because red suggests "negative" as well, @ray , however, there can be many reasons people's activity can go down (in the SG): other commitments, holidays, boredom, no questions sent to the SG, etc, etc. Red could imply you're doing a "bad job" and I kinda am on sind that I don't want to see I'm "performing badly" because no questions in the tags I follow went to the SG that day/week.
    – Thom A
    Commented Sep 13 at 8:01
  • 2
    What is your definition of "helping" an asker?
    – dan1st
    Commented Sep 13 at 10:40
  • 3
    "Question success rate measures the percentage of Staging Ground questions you approved that were not closed or deleted on the main site, and received an answer or a question score of +2, during the last 30 days." - that is actually a fantastic signal, I'm glad this is explicitly named and catered for.
    – Gimby
    Commented Sep 13 at 11:53
  • 1
    Seems to be a nice thing, but I can't see it because my activity is too low. Is calculating such stats really that resources intensive? Commented Sep 14 at 11:36
  • 4
    Seems like this leans heavily into feelgood metrics and puts the most interesting things last. I would like this more if it was only the "reviews completed", "question survival rate" and "question success rate" stats, as the other metrics look like they might send the wrong signals ("total approved" with a green arrow for a higher number implies more approvals = more better so robo-approving everything would be good according to that stat; "askers helped" is just nonsense in multiple ways, starting with the fact that you cannot know if an asker was indeed helpedby a review).
    – l4mpi
    Commented Sep 16 at 10:36
  • 2
    @ipodtouch0218 We apologize for not considering this as part of the first iteration of the widget. We acknowledge that this is not a perfect representation of all of the reviewers' contributions because multiple reviewers can provide feedback in a post which should be reflected in some way in the widget. We will take this into account for the next iteration of the widget to represent the effort put into a review even if the person was not the one to approve the post.
    – Bella_Blue StaffMod
    Commented 22 hours ago
  • 3
    @ray like other users theorized we didn't want the user experience to be too negative so chose gray to be more neutral instead of the red.
    – Bella_Blue StaffMod
    Commented 22 hours ago

2 Answers 2


Please make this feature available to all reviewers, even those who haven't yet "accumulated enough activity." That'll make it much easier to notice when your reviewed posts are doing badly, which helps you become a better reviewer!

To put it differently - if someone's reviewed posts have a 1% survival rate, isn't that something they should know now rather than later?

  • 5
    "Please don't gatekeep this feature to users who have "accumulated enough activity."" Well, this viewpoint tracks with the change they made recently to reputation leagues. They only track the top 500 users or something like that. It would undercut their argument about tracking all users being too expensive if they suddenly tracked all users' performance for a new activity league.
    – TylerH
    Commented Sep 13 at 14:01
  • 8
    @TylerH That's fair. I suppose I'd also add on "please treat this as an informational stats page, not a competitive league."
    – Anerdw
    Commented Sep 13 at 14:28
  • 4
    We will reconsider displaying all stats regardless of reviewer activity level—except, of course, for reviewers with 0 reviews, who would receive an empty state version of stats instead.
    – Bella_Blue StaffMod
    Commented 23 hours ago

I just got access to the stats widget today, but even though I have approved questions that fit the survival criteria, my survival rate currently shows as 0% (which puts me in the top 1% of reviewers! 🎉). I assume this data hasn't been filled in yet?

Question survival rate pane of the reviewer stats widget showing 0% survival rate, a movement of +/- 0% vs last 30 days, and top 1% achievement

  • Well I have some data in it, but I'm at 1% survival rate… of four questions approved, I'd expect that only 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% would be possible values for me. It seems to me they somhow don't correctly filter the total number of questions approved and thus divide by a number that is much too large.
    – cafce25
    Commented 10 hours ago
  • Thanks for the report, I'm looking into this now.
    – kristinalustig StaffMod
    Commented 3 hours ago
  • I also see 1% out of 10 posts that I have approved. Something is off.
    – M--
    Commented 24 mins ago
  • This is definitely broken, and it might take a few days to get it fixed. I am first improving our prod debugging for this widget so I can be sure that my changes are truly fixing the issue. I'm swimming in an endless sea of SQL queries... I appreciate your patience during this trying time :). I'll keep you updated!
    – kristinalustig StaffMod
    Commented 14 mins ago

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