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Got notifed of a response to a comment but now I cannot see my comment or the response and there is no history

I recently added a comment regarding this issue How to reject merge request in GitLab? which asked a follow up question looking for clarification on if the feature in question was enabled by default. ...
karmasponge's user avatar
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6 answers

A plea for not prematurely removing "Please see my update" comments

Update: The discussion here led to the following feature request. When askers provide feedback / ask for clarification on an answer of mine, and it warrants a response of general interest (as opposed ...
mklement0's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Delete / update "please consider adding a comment" message when downvoting questions

When downvoting a (recent?) question, a prompt appears stating: Please consider adding a comment if you think this post can be improved. I feel like this should either: Take into account whether ...
Chris's user avatar
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Receiving notification when not mentioned with @

See this post There in comments @Rasta Bearr did not mentioned me (with @), But I am getting a notification: Is there something like the last commenter/all commenters will be notified?
redoc's user avatar
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Should SO have a feature of notifying other interested users/experts when an update request comment remains unaddressed within a specific time?

Users usually use the comments on the Stack Overflow posts to communicate and discuss the potential problems in the posts. SO encourages users to post comments in an answer post when they find an ...
Sadegh Sh's user avatar
12 votes
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Why are notifications about replies to comments on deleted questions sent, if the person whose comment is being replied to has <10k rep?

On this question (Copy constructor using scope resolution operator) I've got a reply to one of my comments. However, as I have <10K rep, I won't be able to view the reply to the comment (apart from ...
kesarling's user avatar
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Why don't we have an Unfollow option on answers stop sending notifications of comments? [duplicate]

I have posted a valid answer on a question, but the author of the question continues to come back with comments and refuses to try my solution. The answer is valid, but this person does not properly ...
Linda Lawton - DaImTo's user avatar
5 votes
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How did a @reply in a comment notify a user?

According to this MSE FAQ How do comment @replies work? : Who can be notified with this feature? ... For questions: The moderator or gold badge holder who closed or reopened the question, provided ...
cigien's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Is it possible to get notified on comment upvotes?

Is there any setting option to enable notification when someone upvotes your comment? There is not much to explain, but just to make it clear, I'm not notified when a user likes a comment I did in a ...
Wesley Gonçalves's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Allow smaller time intervals for email notifications about unread inbox messages

Currently the shortest available interval for email notifications about unread inbox messages is 3 hours. It would be great if also options for considerably shorter intervals would be available. ...
Soumya Mahunt's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Notification Doubts: When to @?

I'm never quite certain when an @User is required when commenting on an answer and was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of some rules indicating when the mention is required to ...
Lee Mac's user avatar
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What are the actions that trigger comment notifications? [closed]

I've read some related questions about comment notifications, but I have not found anything mentioned all of the scenarios that trigger a notification. I have been amazed that I have not seen any non-...
Mehdi Dehghani's user avatar
23 votes
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Does a user receive a notification if I ping them in a comment which I delete immediately after?

How does it show up on the other one's account when I post a comment and then delete it again? I am talking about comments that trigger a notification, whether right under the question/answer, or ...
Sam's user avatar
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Is it possible to have the "@xxx" in the comments automatically updated when a user's username has changed?

Many times, I have come across Stack Overflow questions with long comment threads. In some cases, a user changed their display name, so a lot of the time I have no idea who's responding to who. Is it ...
Xcoder's user avatar
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Why am I not getting notifications when a question asker is commenting back on a question?

I am not getting notifications when the person is commenting on his/her question if I asked something before. For example, in comments Me on question: What platform are you using? Person who ...
Arvind Chourasiya's user avatar

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