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Questions tagged [mwe]

MWE is an abbreviation for minimal working example.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
67 votes
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New support package for MWEs

I often saw that MWEs which include images can be a little bit of a problem. There are no common images in the TEXMF tree which could be used. Even the famous PS tiger is not directly accessible. ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar
12 votes
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How about encouraging the users to provide MWE before asking questions?

In the lights of increase in the number of questions without MWE, I was wondering how can we encourage the users to provide MWE prior to submitting the questions. Considering that in many cases these ...
Pouya's user avatar
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MWE with basic structure or lots of hacks showing attempted solution?

Often users are asked to show a MWE showing what has been attempted to solve the problem. I've received a good answer to a question. But the answer alone doesn't work completely for my real code. By ...
David Purton's user avatar
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Suggest users to add a MWE or MWEB to their question

For many questions a Minimal Working Example (with Bibliography) can be very helpful and for some it is even detrimental to the answering of the question. My suggestion is to point the user to MWE(B)...
Flexo013's user avatar
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Best information to include when a MWE isn't 'possible'

Just want to preface this by saying I understand and agree with the importance of including a MWE, but I am curious about the best information to supplement a question with when a MWE would only ...
EngBIRD's user avatar
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MWE for page breaking problems

I have a large computer-generated document in which page breaks aren't appearing where I want them, despite liberal use of \pagebreak and nopagebreak. It's a real headache as even if I cut out two or ...
Mohan's user avatar
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A good way to ask a question?

I have been trying to find something on this site which provides guidance for someone asking a question as to how to do it in order to help someone answer it. I have failed. I'm sure that there must ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
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Showing MWE online

It would be great, if the MWE (and a special tag (?) for this) would create a document in some online LaTeX, like WriteLaTeX or ShareLaTeX. Like it is done on en.cppreference (see the run this code ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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Test cases vs minimalism in a MWE

What is the balance between test cases and minimalism in a MWE? I recently wrote a question with a MEW I thought was pretty good. One example, nice and clear what the issue is, but it gave me an ...
Canageek's user avatar
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How do I provide a MWE with a template?

I am running into problems with spacing and figures in my master's thesis. I would like to post it here to see if someone has a solution but I can't seem to get a MWE. The problem is that the template ...
masfenix's user avatar
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