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Simenmyk/Sandkasse | |||
Utvikler | Bungie Studios | ||
Utgiver | Microsoft Game Studios | ||
Plattform | Xbox, Windows Vista og Xbox 360 (Gjennom bokoverkompabillitet) | ||
Utgivelse | Microsoft Xbox: NA 9. november, 2004 AU 9. november, 2004 EU 11. november, 2004 JP 11. november, 2004 Windows Vista: AU 29. mai, 2007 NA 31. mai, 2007 EU 8. juni, 2007 | ||
Sjanger | Førstepersons skytespill | ||
Modus | Enspiller, flerspiller, Xbox Live, Co-op, System-link | ||
Aldersgrense | 16 år |
- For andre betydninger av navnet, se Halo
Halo 2 er et Gullstikka-belønnet førstepersons skytespill utviklet av Bungie Studios. Spillet ble sluppet for spillkonsollen Xbox den 9. november 2004, og var oppfølgeren til spillet Halo: Combat Evolved. Siden lanseringen av tjenesten, hadde Halo 2 vært det mest populære videospillet på Xbox Live[1]. Denne topplasseringen varte helt til spillet Gears of War for Xbox 360 ble sluppet nesten to år senere.[2] Den 20. juni 2006 hadde det blitt spilt mer enn 500 millioner spill på Halo 2, og mer enn 710 millioner timer på Xbox Live.[3] Den 9. mai 2007 hadde dette tallet økt til hele fem milliarder, og det var flere enn fem millioner ulike spillere på Xbox Live. [4] Halo 2 er kompatibelt med Xbox 360, inkludert Xbox Live-tjenesten.
Spillet benytter en relativt ny spillmotor kalt Havok Physics, og innehoder nye våpen og kjøretøyer, nye flerspillerbaner og fortsettelsen på historien fra Halo: Combat Evolved. I spillet kjemper menneskene, som har utviklet fartøyer som kan gå raskere enn lyset og bosatt seg på flere planeter, i en krig mot et kollektiv av morderiske alien-raser kalt the Covenant.[5] Spilleren påtar seg rollene til Master Chief og Arbiter, og kjemper mot fiender til fots eller med ulike kjøretøyer.[6] Den 9. november 2005 hadde mer enn syv millioner kopier av spillet blitt solgt, og gjort at Halo 2 er det mest solgte spillet til Xbox. En Windows Vista-versjon av spillet ble sluppet 1. juni[7] i Nord-Amerika, en knapp måned forsinket.[8] Spillutvikleren Pi Studios skal produsere editor-verktøyer for denne versjonen, som skal la spillerene skape sine helt egne flerspillerbaner.
[rediger | rediger kilde]Halo 2 er et historiedrevet, førstepersons skytespill.[9] Spillet inneholder blant annet flere kjøretøyer enn sin forgjenger, og gangen i spillet har fått en rekke endringer. I det første Halo-spillet er helse- og skjoldindikatorene synlige på skjermen. I Halo 2 er ikke helseindikatoren lenger synlig, i stedet øker helseverdien sakte så lenge spilleren ikke blir påført skade.[6]
Halo 2 har mer enn fjorten menneske- og alien-våpen, og mange av disse er nye i spillserien. Noen våpen kan brukes to og to (dual-wield), noe som gjør at ladetiden til et våpen ikke blir like kritisk for spilleren. Man kan også bruke håndgranater, noe som sammen med håndvåpnene gir rå angrepskraft. Spilleren kan bære to våpen samtidig (eller tre om han bruker to på én gang, men da blir det tredje lagret i hylster), og hvert våpen har sine fordeler og ulemper i ulike kampsituasjoner. For eksempel bruker de fleste Covenant-våpnene store batterimagasiner som ikke kan skiftes ut når de er tomme. Disse våpnene kan bli overopphetet hvis de blir brukt mye på kort tid.[6] På den andre siden er menneskevåpnene mindre effektive til å trenge igjennom skjold i tillegg til at de må lades, men disse kan ikke bli overopphetet. Spilleren kan også bære opptil åtte granater på én gang, men disse kan bare benyttes dersom spilleren kun har ett våpen fremme (single-wielding).
En ny egenskap i Halo 2 er muligheten til å kapre fiendenes kjøretøyer når de er nære spilleren og kjører med lav fart. Da kaster spilleren ut føreren av kjøretøyet, og overtar styringen selv. Det er også mulig for fienden å gjøre det samme mot spilleren.
[rediger | rediger kilde]Spillets "Campaign" (flettog) modus tilbyr både enspiller (single player) og flerspiller (cooperative). I campaign modus må spilleren fullføre flere baner som er innkludert i Halo 2's fortelling. Banene bytter mellom Master Chief og en Covenant kallet the Arbiter. De to er på totalt forskjellige sider av konflikten. Bortsett fra selve fortellingen er den eneste forskjellen mellom Arbiter og Master Chief at Arbiter ikke har en lommelykt på rustningen sin. Isteden for har han et kortvarende "aktivt kamuflasje skjold". Dette gjør han mer eller mindre usynlig, men kamuflasjen forsvinner når spilleren blir angrepen eller blir skadet.
Det er fire ulike nivåer i campaign modus: Easy (enkelt), Normal (middels), Heroic (vansklig), and Legendary (vanskligest). En økning av vansklighetsgrad vil føre til en økning i anntallet, rangen, helsen, skaden og nøyaktigheten til fiendene; en reduksjon av varighet og økning av ladetid til Arbiter's kamuflasjeskjold; spilleren får dårligere helse og skjold; og noen endringer i dialogene.[10]
Handlingen i spillet tar spilleren fra en futuristisk versjon av Mombasa i Kenya, til en romstasjon som går i bane rundt jorden, til en enorm flytende by calt High Charity, lysår fra solsystemet vårt. De delene av kartet som spillerene normalt aldri vil se på grunn av designbegrensninger er likevel fullt modelert og detaljert, og erfarne spillere kan utnytte feil og glipper i spillet til å utforske nye områder; notable eksempler er fjellene i Delta Halo og skyskraperene i Metropolis.
Det er mye gjemt innhold i spillet, som påskeegg, beskjeder, gjemte gjenstander og våpen. Et kjent eksempel er hodeskallene på hver bane. Hodeskallene som kan bli plukket opp som et våpen (eller en ball som i flerspillertypen"Oddball"), er gjømt på steder der de er vansklige å nå. Flere er eksklusive til vansklighetsgraden Legendary. Etter at de er aktivert har hver hodeskalle en spesifikk effekt på spillet. For eksempel hodeskallen kallt "Sputnik" som finnes på banen Quarantine Zone, endrer massen på ulike objekt i spillet; for eksempel, eksplosjoner kan sende desse objektene over lengre avstander. "Hodeskalleeffekter" kan bli sammensatt til å lage forskjellige nye vanskighetsgrader og/eller andre nye ting.[11]
[rediger | rediger kilde]Nytt i flerspillerdelen til Halo 2 er at man har muligheten til å konkurrere mot hverandre via Xbox Live. I tillegg har man det originale spillets støtte for delt skjerm og system link-flerspiller.[6] Halo 2's Xbox Live-modus er forskjellig fra tidligere online-førstepersons skytespill. Vanligvis setter en spiller opp datamaskinen eller spillkonsollen sin som server, eller vert, og velger spilltype, bane samt andre innstillinger. Programvaren i spillet tar gjerne i bruk tjenester som for eksempel GameSpy for å gjøre spillet tilgjengelig for andre spillere. De velger hvilke spill de vil spille basert på kriterier som bane og spillvalg verten tilbyr, i tillegg til ping-hastigheten som er tilgjengelig. I Halo 2 velger derimot ikke Xbox Live-spillerene å være offentlig vert, og de velger ikke individuelle baner eller innstillinger det skal søkes etter. Istedet velger de spillelister som er stilt inn for ulike spillestiler. Noen eksempler er "Rumble Pit" som tilbyr "hver mann for seg"-liknende spilltyper, og "Team Skirmish" som tilbyr 4-mot-4 lagspill, disse er hovedsakelig basert på oppdragsorienterte spilltyper som for eksempel Capture the Flag. Bungie sletter av og til upopulære spilltyper og legger til nye.
Xbox Live serverene lager automatisk nye spill til de spillerene som har valgt en spilliste. Det blir automatisk valgt bane spilltype, og en spiller blir valgt til spillvert. Skulle verten av en eller annen grunn slutte, vil Xbox Live automatisk velge en ny vert blant de spillerene som er igjen. Slik at spillet kan fortsette. Sillere kan selv lage grupper med venner og/eller klanen sin og gå inn i grupper sammen som lagkamerater i lag baerte spillmoduser. Spillere kan også sette opp spill til sine egne grupper med egne spesifikasjoner. De kan invitere andre inn i spillet fra venner og klan listen, men spillet blir ikke opent for andre spillere. På grunn av rettferdighet og balanse er noen funksjoner fra enspillerdelen, fjernet fra flerspillerdelen. Noe av det som er fjernet er hånd holdte flammekastere (kalt Fuel Rod kanoner) og flammekasterene i Banshee flyene.[9]
Ledene teknisk deigner, Chris Butcher, kommenterte utviklingen av Halo 2's flerspiller i Edge, et British spillmagasin, januar 2007.[12] Butcher svarte på et rush av påfølgene artikkler og klargjore sit synspunkt på Halo 2 flerspiller. Han omtalte den opprinnlige meningen med spillet, og tok opp noen skuffelser. "For Halo 2 hadde vi høye forventninger for nettverk," sa Blucher. "Vi tenkte på hvor fantastisk et LAN kan vere med Halo 1, så vi valgte å prøve og gjennskape den utrolige følelsen av å ha alle vennene dine på besøk for å spille, men bruke Xbox Live isteden for å ha en haug med konsoller og tver i huset. Steget fra ingen flerspiller over internett til å utvikle en helt ny online modell, var en stor utfordring å ta på strak hand. Som følge av dette måtte vi la mange ting forbli ugjort for å nå utgivelses datoen vi hadde lovet fansene våre."[13]
[rediger | rediger kilde]Omgivelser(Setting)
[rediger | rediger kilde]Utdypende artikkel: Halo universe
Halo 2 fåregår i det samme universet som Halo. I følge historien har menneskene kolonisert flere verdener etter de fikk muligheten til å reise raskere enn lyset.[6] Mer enn tretti to år før handlingen i Halo 2 tar til, blir den ytre innhøstingskolonien angrepet av en gruppe romvesenraser calt Covenant. [5] Siden den gang har mennesker og Covenant kriget en blodig krig, der UNSC styrkene mister flere store forpliktelser. Cole Pakten ble laget i håp om å forebygge at Covenant skulle oppdage mennesklig befolkede steder, spesielt Jorden. Dog, kort tid før handlingen i Halo 2, drar Master Chief til Jorden, etter å ha ødelagt en stor Covenant flåte, for å advare mot det forestående angrepet på menneskehetens hjemplanet.[14]
Figurer (Characters)
[rediger | rediger kilde]Utdypende artikkel: List of Halo series characters
De spillbare figurene er "Master Chief John-117", en av de få overlevende super-soldater fra SPARTAN-II prosjektet; og the Arbiter, er en vanæret Elite leder som har blitt en hellig kriger og tener under Covenantene sine Prophets.[15] Gjennom store deler av handlingen er Master Chief hjulpet av en kvinnelig kunstig intelligens kallt Cortana. Som bor i et nerveimmplantat og er koblet sammen med hans MJOLNIR kamp skjold. Master Chief er også assistert av marine soldater fra UNSC skipet In Amber Clad og skipets kaptein, kommandant Miranda Keyes, som er datteren til Kaptein Jacob Keyes [16] (kaptein på Pillar of Autumn under Halo: Combat Evolved). Arbiter, i mellomtiden, er assistert av de ulike rasene av Covenant og spesielle operasjoner lederen, Rtas 'Vadumee. Antagonisten i historia er Covenant, men etter som handlingen bytter mellom Master Chief og hans Covenant motstykke, Arbiter, blir desse fiende noen ganger allierte. I de senere nivåer spiller vesenet Gravemind, en Flood inntelligens med ukjente motiver, en antagonistisk rolle.
[rediger | rediger kilde]The story of Halo 2 is told through in-game dialogue as well as cutscenes; the back-story to the game can be found in the game manual. The game opens with Master Chief and Sergeant Avery Johnson receiving awards aboard Cairo Station, a MAC gun platform orbiting Earth, alongside Miranda Keyes. Miranda is the daughter of Jacob Keyes, who died during the course of Halo: Combat Evolved, and Miranda is accepting a posthumous award for her father's bravery.[16] This ceremony is juxtaposed with the judgment and torture of the former Covenant Elite Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice, who is being punished for his incompetence. Both events are in response to the destruction of Halo during the events of Halo: Combat Evolved. The Master Chief and newly promoted Sergeant Major Johnson are awarded medals for their bravery and sacrifice, and the unnamed Covenant admiral is being tortured for his inability to prevent the destruction of Halo. After the unnamed Covenant admiral's initial torture is carried out by the Chieftain of the Brutes, Tartarus, Tartarus removes the unnamed Covenant admiral's armor and burns the "Mark of Shame" on to his chest with a large branding device in an excruciatingly painful manner. It is also revealed that the Covenant's interest in Halo lies in the belief that the activation of Halo would bring about the "Great Journey", which would cleanse the universe of lesser lifeforms (including the Flood) while providing salvation for the Covenant.[17]
Soon after the commencement of Master Chief's ceremony, a Covenant fleet jumps out of slipspace near Earth. The Covenant proceeds to send boarding parties towards a battlecluster of stations. These boarding parties are secretly carrying explosives designed to take out the MAC (Magnetic Accelerator Cannon) guns that protect Earth from attack.[18] Master Chief finds and disarms a bomb located on Cairo Station with the help of Cortana, while the flagship of the Covenant fleet speeds past Earth's defenses and heads toward Earth itself. Master Chief and Cortana join the UNSC ship In Amber Clad, which is en route to New Mombasa to deal with the Covenant flagship.
Before reaching New Mombasa, Cortana decodes transmissions revealing that the flagship carries the High Prophet of Regret. The UNSC successfully repels the Covenant invasion force with the help of Master Chief, and the Covenant ship begins preparations for a slipspace jump to an unknown destination. The ship makes the jump, and the city is destroyed in the shockwave. To avoid destruction, In Amber Clad follows and discovers a second Halo installation dubbed "Delta Halo". The crew of In Amber Clad learns more about the Covenant's belief regarding the Halos, and Master Chief ultimately slays the High Prophet of Regret while Keyes attempts to secure the Index to prevent the activation of Delta Halo.[19]
The action switches to the condemned Covenant fleet commander assuming the role of the Arbiter. His first mission is to silence a heretic who doubts the Prophets' teachings, in turn starting the Arbiter along a path which ultimately results in Arbiter doubting his own beliefs. Seeds of discord are further sown within the Covenant when the Prophets decide to grant the Brutes the job of protecting the Prophets instead of the traditionally favored Elites. During his missions, The Arbiter realizes the danger that the rings represent: they are weapons designed "to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy" according to the Oracle, not the religious artifacts the Covenant believes them to be.[20]
The Master Chief and the Arbiter meet upon the release of the Flood from Delta Halo. A mysterious Flood creature called the Gravemind sends the Arbiter and Master Chief in separate directions to prevent The High Prophets from activating Delta Halo.[21] Master Chief finds himself aboard the Covenant Holy City High Charity, a gargantuan space station, and pursues the remaining Prophets. During his mission, he finds himself in the middle of an erupting Covenant civil war between the Brutes and the Elites. After capturing In Amber Clad, the Flood, led by Gravemind, arrive at the city and begin to consume and infect the populace. The only remaining High Prophet, Truth, escapes on a Forerunner vessel hidden in the core of High Charity. The Master Chief stows away on board while Cortana stays behind in order to detonate the In Amber Clad's engine reactors to destroy Delta Halo and High Charity if Tartarus activates the ring.[22]
The game concludes with the Arbiter's mission to stop the firing of Halo. Together, they pursue and kill Tartarus and his Brutes in Delta Halo's control room. Tartarus, however, has already succeeded in inserting the Index, making Delta Halo fully operational. After the Arbiter kills Tartarus, Miranda Keyes manages to pull the Index out of Delta Halo's control panel, thus halting the firing sequence as the Oracle mentioned. Despite this success, Delta Halo's deactivation sends a signal out to the other remaining Halos, sending them all into a "standby" mode so they can be remotely activated from the Ark'.[23] Meanwhile, the Forerunner ship that Master Chief has stowed away on approaches Earth. One of Earth's remaining orbital forces contacts him and asks what he is doing aboard the Forerunner ship. He replies, "Sir, finishing this fight," ending the game with an abrupt cliffhanger and setting the tone for Halo 3. After the game credits finish rolling, a scene appears in which Cortana and Gravemind are conversing. This is meant as a further teaser for Halo 3.
[rediger | rediger kilde]Utdypende artikler: Halo 2 Original Soundtrack: Volume One og Halo 2 Original Soundtrack: Volume Two
Halo 2 soundtrack ble laget mest av alt av Martin O'Donnell og hans partner Michael Salvatori, teamet som tidligere hadde laget den kritiker-roste musikken til Halo. O'Donnell sa mens han laget musikken til Halo 2 at "Å lage en oppfølger er aldri en enkel oppgave(proposition?). Du vil lage alt som var kult enda bedre, og ta bort alle tingene som var dårlige."[24] O'Donnell forsikret seg om at det ikke var noen deler på spillet helt uten lyd, merk "Ambient lyd er en av de enkleste måtene til å påvirke mennesker psykisk. Et mørkt rom er skummelt, men legg til et knirkende gulv og rotter som smyger seg langs veggene så blir det veldig hårreisende. "[24] Halo 2, ulikt sin foregjenger (Halo: Combat Evolved), var laget for å ta full fordel av Dolby 5.1 Digital Surround Sound.[25]
I sommeren 2004, bestemte produsenten Nile Rodgers and O’Donnell seg for å dele musikken til Halo 2 inn i to selvstendige tema; det første (Tema en) ville inneholde alle emnene og også “inspirert-av” musikken i spillet; det andre (Tema to) ville inneholde resten av musikken, og mange av de ufullstendige sangene, når det første lydsporet ble sendt før spillet ble gitt ut.[26] Det første lydsporet ble gitt ut 9. november, 2004, med hjelp av gitaristen Steve Vai. I tillegg til ham var disse musikerene med:
Disse er alle med på det offesielle lydsporet. Halo 2 Original Soundtrack: Volume Two, som har all musikken i spillet som er organisert i suiteform, ble gitt ut 25. april 2006.
[rediger | rediger kilde]Halo 2 ble offisielt kunngjort i september 2002 med en kino trailer.[27]Traileren ble senere pakket med Halo: Combat Evolved DVDs. En reel-tid spill video ble vist på E3 2003, som var den første spillingen sett av allmennheten; den viste nytt spill innhold som dual-wield (to våpen samtidig) og forbedret grafikk..[27]
Bungie informerte om utviklingen av spillet med ukentlige Halo 2 utviklings oppdateringer som startet 16. januar 2004 og sluttet 25. juni 2004. (Arkivene er tilgjenglige.)[28] Mot slutten av utviklingen, uttalte Bungie ansette at de var under et «enormt press» for å fullføre spillet i tide, inkludert alle reklame forpliktelsene.[29]
The release of Halo 2 was preceded with numerous promotions, product tie-ins, and movie trailer-like commercials. There was a Halo 2 Celebrity Pre-Release Party at E3 2004, in which a private home was transformed to replicate the world of Halo, complete with camouflaged marines and roaming Cortanas.[30]
In addition to more traditional forms of promotion, Halo 2 was also part of an elaborate Alternate Reality Game project titled "I Love Bees" which cost an estimated one million dollars. This 'game' centered around a hacked website, supposedly a site about beekeeping, where an AI from the future was residing. The project garnered significant attention from sites including Slashdot and Wired News;[31] Wired noted that the game was drawing attention away from the 2004 Presidential Election.[32] The game won an award for creativity at the 5th annual Game Developers Choice Awards[33] and was nominated for a Webby award.[34]
On the morning of October 14, 2004, a leak of the French version of the game was posted on the Internet, and circulated widely.[35] Microsoft, the parent company of Bungie Studios, tried to contain the spread, and pledged to bring legal action against anyone who spread the leaked version.[36]
Tilleggs materiale
[rediger | rediger kilde]Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition
[rediger | rediger kilde]The Limited Collector's Edition features the regular edition, but includes several promotional offers, a special cover and a special DVD of the making of Halo 2. The instructional booklet is also written from the Covenant point of view rather than from the UNSC point of view as in the regular edition. Also enclosed is the "Conversations from the Universe" booklet that contains additional information from both the human and the Covenant side of the Halo storyline; transcripts are available online.[37] The game is enclosed in an aluminum case with the Halo 2 logo.
Xbox Live oppdateringer
[rediger | rediger kilde]A common complaint regarding Halo 2's online play has been the widespread cheating, which began occurring almost immediately after the game's release. Users exploited bugs in the game and vulnerabilities of the network to win ranked games and thus increase their matchmaking rank.[38]
Some players used "standbying" to cheat, in which the player hosting the game intentionally presses the standby button on his or her modem; this results in all player except the cheaters freezing in place. This way, the cheater would be given time to accomplish an objective in the game. "Dummying" involves using an Elite character and a vehicle, exploiting a glitch which would cause a doppelganger of the player to appear. Cheating also includes softmodding, in which a player uses devices such as Action Replay and computer programs to gain unfair advantages, and bridging, which uses computer programs to give a player 'host' status, and therefore the ability to disconnect other players from the game session.
Many players became frustrated and demanded that Bungie create solutions to the widespread cheating. In response to these complaints, Bungie released an automatic, mandatory update for Halo 2 on Monday, April 18, 2005, which eliminated many of the bugs and cheats. In addition, the update reduced the split-screen HUD information, and rebalanced certain weapons to promote use of single-wield weapons, grenades, and melee attacks over dual-wielding. For example, the melee attacks and grenades were made more powerful than they previously were, and the battle rifle now shoots more accurately. Bungie maintains a full list of updates.
A game exploitation called "superbouncing" or "superjumping" is labeled cheating by many in the Xbox Live community, and Bungie employees have described it as cheating when used in Matchmaking.[39] Another group of glitches, which involve the use of certain button combinations, has similarly been described as cheating by both fans and Bungie employees.[40] Despite the condemnations by Bungie employees, players still dispute whether or not superjumping and the use of button combinations is cheating.
Halo 2 supports downloadable content, which allows for new multiplayer maps to be retrieved offline. Four maps were made available to download for a fee on April 25, 2005; in subsequent weeks, five new maps were also made available for free on Xbox live. The Multiplayer Map Pack was also released on that date, as an alternative for those who did not have Xbox Live.
Another update was released in July 2005 (a week after the release of the map pack). The update added a detection tool that would automatically detect and ban modders using modified Xbox's. Modified versions of the downloadable maps allow people to use cheats such as 'autoaim' and 'automatic reload' during matches on Xbox Live. Any players who are detected using modified content are automatically banned from Matchmaking on Xbox Live within six hours. Anyone who knowingly and willingly plays with 'modders' is banned from Matchmaking. Online matchmaking was updated again in June 2006. This update removed several game playlists, and made other changes within existing playlists.[41]
On August 22, 2006, Bungie also added a new playlist called Team Carnage, developed by players at Halo.Bungie.Org.[42] On October 10 of the same year, Bungie rotated the Team Carnage playlist. The current Team Carnage playlist was developed by players from Real Custom Games.[41] Inevitably some cheats and exploits remain. As users typically aim to increase their matchmaking rank by using these, some players avoid cheaters by not entering games with high-level players.
Multiplayer Map Pack
[rediger | rediger kilde]The Multiplayer Map Pack is an expansion pack intended to make Xbox Live content and updates available to offline players. The disk contains the game's automatic update, all nine new multiplayer maps, a documentary about the making of the maps, and a bonus cinematic called "Another Day on the Beach", amongst other features. It was released on July 5, 2005. At release, it cost £15 in the UK and $19.99 in the U.S., available at par in Canada. The new multiplayer content can be used on Xbox Live, System Link and Split-Screen modes. Five of the new maps (Elongation, Terminal, Backwash, Gemini, Relic) were released online through Xbox Live's downloadable content service on July 5, the same day as the map pack. The other four maps (Turf, Sanctuary, Warlock, Containment) were released earlier that year. All of the multiplayer maps are now available as free and mandatory downloads on Xbox Live.
Blastacular Map Pack
[rediger | rediger kilde]On March 30, 2007, Bungie announced that two new maps would be available on April 17, 2007 for US$4. Bungie's own Frank O'Connor confirmed that both Xbox and Xbox 360 users would have access to the content.[43] The two new maps, "Tombstone" and "Desolation," are remakes of "Hang 'Em High" and "Derelict" respectively, two maps from the original Halo video game.[44] On April 6, Bungie commented that a new update to the servers will be implemented, due to the new maps and playlists. The update was scheduled to be released on April 24, which would have made the new maps a mandatory download to continue playing most of the playlists in matchmaking.[45] However, on April 25, 2007, Frankie announced that due to issues with distribution of the maps to both original Xbox and Xbox 360 owners (the most common problems being unable to turn on 'Premium Content' or the maps failing to install properly).
The update was released on May 9, 2007. Bungie also reset all ranks for Halo 2 at the same time. They also announced that both maps will be available for free download on the first week of July.[46]
[rediger | rediger kilde]Publication | Score | Comment | |||
IGN | 9.8 of 10[47] | Best Xbox game of all time | |||
Game Informer | 10 of 10[48] | ||||
EGM | 10/10/10 | Platinum Award | |||
GameSpy | 5/5[49] | |- | GameSpot | 9.4 of 10[50] | Editor's Choice |
Compilations of multiple reviews | |||||
Game Rankings | 95 of 100 (based on 112 reviews)[51] | ||||
Metacritic | 95 of 100 (based on 91 reviews)[52] | ||||
Awards | |||||
2005 Game Developers Choice Awards |
Excellence in Audio | ||||
2005 Interactive Achievement Awards |
Console Game of the Year, Sound Design | ||||
2004 Game Critics Awards | Best Console Game |
The first official release of Halo 2 was in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States on November 9, 2004. Anticipation for the game was high; three weeks before this release, a record 1.5 million copies had already been pre-ordered.[53] Massive lines formed at midnight releases of the game; the event garnered significant media attention.[54] This was followed by releases on November 10 2004 in France and other European countries, and November 11 in the UK. The game sold 2.4 million copies and earned up to US$125 million in its first 24 hours on store shelves, thus out-grossing the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest as highest grossing release in entertainment history.[55] As of November 9, 2005, exactly a year after its release, Halo 2 had sold more than 7 million copies worldwide.[56] Official Xbox Magazine reported that the Halo 2 launch was the biggest event in entertainment history, grossing $125 million on the launch date alone.[57] The game sold 260,000 units in the United Kingdom in its first week, making it the third fastest-selling title of all time in the UK. On June 20, 2006, reported that more than a half-billion games of Halo 2 have been played on Xbox Live since its debut; it also reported that 9.2 million units of Halo 2 have been sold worldwide.[58] From the day of its initial release and up until mid-November, 2006, Halo 2 was the most popular video game on Xbox Live, even after the release of the Xbox 360; its position was only recently surpassed by the 360-exclusive Gears of War. Halo and Halo 2 are still some of the most played games for the Xbox console.[1]
Generally, the game was positively received; many reviewers praised the audio for being especially vivid.[51][48] Multiplayer especially was noted in being the best on Xbox Live at the time. Game Informer, along with numerous other publications, rated it higher than Halo: Combat Evolved, citing enhanced multiplayer and less repetitive gameplay. Halo 2 received multiple awards, including Best Console game and Best Sound Design from the Interactive Achievement Awards. Most critics noted that Halo 2 stuck with the formula that made its predecessor successful, and was alternatively praised and faulted for this decision. Edge noted in its review, “It's fitting that we're able to steal a line from the script to sum everything up. No spoilers here, just an epitaph, from the moment Cortana turns to Master Chief and says this: ‘It’s not a new plan. But we know it’ll work.' "[51] According to, the game has received more than 38 individual awards.[59]
The game's campaign mode has received some criticism for being too short,[60] in addition to some dissatisfaction with the abrupt, cliffhanger ending that sets up the sequel, Halo 3.[50] GameSpot noted that the story switching between the Covenant and Human factions made the plot more intricate- but distracted the player from Earth's survival and the main point of the game.[50] There is also some criticism of the game's on-the-fly streaming and level of detail adjustment, which can sometimes result in textures loading erroneously and "popping in" when the camera changes in cutscenes. Bungie has stated that this issue has been fixed for Halo 3 and the Windows Vista port.
In an interview with Edge magazine in January 2007, Jamie Greisemer, one of Halo's design leads, said that the main reason for Halo 2's shortcomings was a lack of "polish" period near the end of the development cycle. Staff member Frank O’Connor admitted the cliffhanger ending was abrupt, noting “we drove off Thelma & Louise style". Nonetheless, in the interview Greisemer promised that they would make Halo 3 a more than worthy successor.[12]
Windows Vista versjonen
[rediger | rediger kilde]On February 9, 2006, Nick Baron announced that Halo 2 would be released on PC exclusively for the Windows Vista operating system. The game was ported by a small team at Microsoft Game Studios (codenamed Hired Gun) who worked closely with Bungie Studios. On December 7, 2006, Microsoft visited IGN and revealed plans, as part of their Games for Windows brand campaign, to have Halo 2 be playable from disc via streaming during its own PC installation.[61] Microsoft calls this streaming technology Tray and Play and claims that players will be able to start the game within two minutes of placing it into their DVD drives.[62] This behavior attempts to mirror the experience of console gaming (where no installation is required) and is unique in the PC market to date. It was announced that Halo 2 for Windows Vista[63] would be in stores before the end of 2006,[64] but this was pushed back due to the push of the Windows Vista launch into 2007. Also announced was an exclusive map editor that will allow players to create custom content.
Halo 2 for Windows Vista will link with the Games for Windows - Live network and have some operability with the Xbox Live network, as stated in the new FAQ section of Windows Vista flavour of the popular game on Bungie's official website. Bungie has stated that it will also have networking features of its own, resembling Halo PC's inclusion of free internet capabilities.
Halo 2 for Windows Vista was originally scheduled for release on May 8, 2007, but was pushed back to May 29th. This delay was apparently due to the insertion of nudity into the game via a "content error."[65] Microsoft will be offering patches to remove the nude content and is revising the boxes to reflect this. Many retailers were not given the notification in time and have sold copies to consumers since as early as May 20th in a few United States Circuit City stores. The offending nudity was a photograph of a male's bare bottom (presumably of a Microsoft or Bungie employee) which appeared as a ".ass" error when using the map editor in Halo 2 for Windows Vista.[66]
Windows XP compatibility
[rediger | rediger kilde]On the 16th of May 2007, it was announced[67] that Falling Leaf Systems is going to release a compatibility pack for Halo 2 to run on windows XP. The pack is estimated to be ready for July 2007. Compatibility libraries will be provided (when ready) when Halo is ordered from their site[68]. As Halo 2 is currently a Vista-only game, it is unknown what Microsoft's stance on this is.
Released the third week of June 2007, a program that enables Halo 2 to run on Windows XP was released by user abcba on the File front forum. The program consists entirely of legal code that implements any missing function Halo 2 needs to run on Windows XP. Using this program single player Halo 2 is playable on Windows XP.
Se også
[rediger | rediger kilde]References
[rediger | rediger kilde]- ^ a b «Halo 2 tops Live most-played list». 21. februar 2006. Besøkt 10. desember 2006.
- ^ Gibson, Ellie (20. november 2006). «Gears of War ousts Halo». Besøkt 22. desember 2006.
- ^ Zaharov-Reutt, Alex (8. mars 2007). «Xbox LIVE: 6 million users and counting - thumbs nose at PS3, Wii». Besøkt 19. mars 2007.
- ^ «Halo 2 hits 5 million players!». 9. mai 2007. Besøkt 13. mai 2007.
- ^ a b Bungie, red. (2001). Halo: Combat Evolved Instruction Manual (på English). Microsoft Game Studios. s. 2.
- ^ a b c d e Bungie, red. (2004). Halo 2 Instruction Manual (på English). Microsoft Game Studios. s. 3–6, 8, 12, 14–18.
- ^ «Halo 2 Vista Officially Delayed». 4. mai 2007. Besøkt 7. mai 2007.
- ^ «Halo 2 Vista FAQ». 14. oktober 2006. Besøkt 6. mai 2007.
- ^ a b «Bungie Halo 2 FAQ». Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ «Ladies Like Superior Firepower.». Besøkt 2. januar 2007. «(A 1:11 long composite, showing the single changed speech in the 'Ladies Like...' cutscene, based on difficulty setting.)»
- ^ « - skulls». Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ a b «Inside Bungie - Edge Online». 2007-01. Besøkt 9. februar 2007. Sjekk datoverdier i
(hjelp) - ^ Smith, Luke (26. januar 2007). «Does Bungie Hate Halo 2?». Besøkt 9. februar 2007.
- ^ Nylund, Eric (2003). Halo: First Strike (på English). Del Ray. s. 101.
- ^ Truth: Halo's ødelegelse var din feil, og du skal bære skylden. Men rådet var...over entusiastisk. Vi vet at du ikke er en kjetter. [...] / Arbiter: Er jeg nyttig? Jeg kan ikke kontrollere skip, eller lede tropper i kamp- / Truth: Ikke som du er, men bli Arbiteren (dommer)...Og du skal bli sett løs mot denne kjetteriet, med vår velsigning. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ a b Lord Hood: Commander Miranda Keyes. Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service. His bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit, upon himself, and the UNSC. The Navy has lost one of its best. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ Prophet of Truth: Soon the Great Journey shall begin... But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ Cortana (radio): That explosion came from inside the Athens. Same as the Malta. The Covenant must have brought something with them. A bomb. / Lord Hood: Then they sure as hell brought one here. Chief…find it. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ «Halo 2 Story Page @ HBO - Regret». Halo.Bungie.Org. Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ Gravemind: Those who built this place knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent, or all will perish as they did before. / Master Chief: This thing's right. Halo's a weapon. Your prophets are making a big mistake. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ Gravemind: There is still time to stop the key from turning. You will search a likely spot...and you will search another. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ Cortana: -If he does I'll detonate In Amber Clad's reactors, just like we did the Autumn. The blast will take out both this station and the ring. Not a very original plan, but we know it'll work. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ 343 Guilty Spark: Fail-safe protocol: in the event of unexpected shut-down, the entire system will move to standby status. All installations are now ready for remote activation. / Commander Keyes: Remote activation? From here? / 343 Guilty Spark: Don't be ridiculous. [...] Why... the Ark, of course. Mal:Cite video game
- ^ a b «Hedge Interviews Marty O'Donnell». 14. januar 2003. Besøkt 9. februar 2007.
- ^ Halo 2: Original Soundtrack Volume 1 liner notes; supplemental by Martin O'Donnell
- ^ Halo 2: Original Soundtrack Volume 2 liner notes; introduction by Martin O'Donnell
- ^ a b «Halo 2 Audio/Videos: Game Videos». Besøkt 14. februar 2007.
- ^ «Halo 2 FAQ: Weekly Update (#1)». Besøkt 14. februar 2007.
- ^ «Halo 2 FAQ: Weekly Update (6.25.04)». Besøkt 14. februar 2007. «...In general we feel like we have just enough time to finish, but I mean barely!»
- ^ Staff (27. oktober 2004). «Hollywood's Hooked On Halo». Besøkt 26. desember 2006.
- ^ Iker, Simone (23. juli 2004). «Halo 2 Trailer, ILB, Halo Done Quick». Besøkt 29. mars 2007.
- ^ Terdiman, Daniel (2004.10.18). «I Love Bees Game a Surprise Hit». Besøkt 29. mars 2007. Sjekk datoverdier i
(hjelp) - ^ «Game Choice Awards: 5th Annual Archives». 2004. Besøkt 29. mars 2007.
- ^ Peters, Steve (12. april 2005). «I Love Bees Nominated for Webby». Besøkt 29. mars 2007.
- ^ «Stolen! Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Halo 2 are the latest victims of theft». GamePro (196): 22. 2005.
- ^ «Bungie Underground Army called into action». Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ «Resources: Halo 2: Conversations from the Universe». Besøkt 9. februar 2007.
- ^ «A Bridge Too Far.». 26. mai 2006. Besøkt 20. mars 2007.
- ^ «Bungie Forums: Superbouncing».
- ^ «Bungie Forums: Button Combos». 19. september 2006. Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ a b «Community News Team Carnage v2». Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ «Team Carnage Playlist». Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ O'Connor, Frank (30. mars 2007). «New Halo 2 Maps Revealed!». Besøkt 5. mars 2007.
- ^ O'Connor, Frank (30. mars 2007). «Bungie Weekly Update: Brand New Heavies». Besøkt 30. mars 2007.
- ^ O'Connor, Frank (17. april 2007). «New Halo 2 Maps are Here!». Besøkt 28. april 2007.
- ^
- ^ Perry, Douglass (7. november 2004). «Halo 2 review at IGN». IGN. Besøkt 10. februar 2007.
- ^ a b McNamara, Andy. «Halo 2 review at Game Informer». Game Informer. Besøkt 9. februar 2007.
- ^ Tuttle, Will (9. november 2004). «GameSpy Halo 2 Review». GameSpy. Besøkt 10. februar 2007.
- ^ a b c Kasavin, Greg (4. november 2007). «Halo 2 for Xbox Review». GameSpot. Besøkt 10. februar 2007.
- ^ a b c «Halo 2 Reviews». Besøkt 10. februar 2007.
- ^ «Halo 2 (Xbox) Reviews». Besøkt 10. februar 2007.
- ^ Thorsen, Tor (19. oktober 2004). «Halo 2 hits 1.5 million preorders; mass midnight sales planned». GameSpot. Besøkt 15. mars 2006.
- ^ Loftus, Tom (9. november 2004). «Gamers go gunning for 'Halo 2'». Besøkt 14. februar 2007.
- ^ Thorsen, Tor (10. november 2004). «Microsoft raises estimated first-day Halo 2 sales to $125 million-plus». GameSpot. Besøkt 15. mars 2006.
- ^ «Halo 2 Anniversary Special». Besøkt 15. mars 2006.
- ^ «November 9 - By the Numbers». Official Xbox Magazine (40): 15. 2005.
- ^ «Big Sales for Halo 2 and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas». GamePro (197): 24. 2005.
- ^ «Halo 2 Awards». Besøkt 12. februar 2007.
- ^ Ham, Tom (14. november 2004). «Reviews: Halo 2 and Donkey Konga». Besøkt 20. mars 2007.
- ^ Adams, Dan (7. desember 2006). «Games for Windows discussion with Microsoft». IGN. Besøkt 24. desember 2006.
- ^ - MGS_HiredGun's blog
- ^ «Halo 2 for Windows details». Besøkt 16. februar 2007.
- ^ «Halo What on the Whatnow?». Besøkt 15. mars 2006.
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^