Register for the Program

We appreciate your interest in joining the DAAC's Political Ads Program. Fees go towards icon licensing, use of our custom-made platform, and program administration. After signing the participation agreement, there are two components to the program: icon-serving and a registry. Both features are optional to use.

Participation License Fee
Single or multiple clients (agency, consultant, ad tech, advertiser, etc.)

This fee covers an organization's overall participation in the Political Ads Program in Canada.
$500 annually

Icon-Serving Rate
Icon impressions are billed on a monthly basis

An API and volume discount is available for DSPs with monthly icon impressions thresholds that exceed 1 million, 10 million, and 100 million impressions. Please contact us.

Registry Rate
Storage and display of campaigns/ads served for 60 months

For customization options, please contact us.

Advertisers should be in compliance with all applicable registration requirements of Elections Canada or their provincial or territorial election act in order to participate.

NOTE: The cost of participating in the DAAC’s Political Ads Program may be required to be included in the reporting of partisan advertising expenses and election advertising expense subject to spending limits, depending upon when the advertising appears.