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Questions tagged [the-terminator-series]

For use on questions about the films, television series, and other media based upon the 1984 movie "The Terminator", directed by James Cameron. Use with the specific work tags if relevant, such as [the-terminator] or [terminator-genisys].

9 votes
1 answer

How does Terminator Zero fit in the Terminator continuity?

I'm watching the anime - American-Japanese production ONA Terminator Zero. Is this somehow supposed to fit in the live-action movies' continuity (I'm watching episode 2 and for the events I don't see ...
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Was Cameron a cyborg or an android?

In the TV series Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, the human resistance sends a reprogrammed terminator code-named Cameron back in time to protect John Connor. Was Cameron a cyborg in the ...
Nu'Daq's user avatar
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How was John Connor alive to send Kyle Reese back in time?

We know that Kyle Reese grew up after Skynet's actions against humanity as he says this to Sarah. John Connor sent him back to save Sarah. We also meet this Kyle Reese in Salvation. This Kyle Reese is ...
armtriangles's user avatar
19 votes
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How many days did it take for the Terminator to find the real Sarah Connor?

In The Terminator we learn that the Terminator arrived in the past on Thursday, May 12 At 1:52AM. It then starts to find women named Sarah Connor. In the movie there seems to be no information about ...
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12 votes
2 answers

Did Kyle Reese and the Terminator use the same time machine?

In The Terminator we see Skynet sent a Terminator from 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor. Kyle Reese also came from 2029 to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor, so did the Terminator and Kyle Reese come to ...
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Who is responsible for making the time machine in the Terminator movies; humans or Skynet?

In the Terminator movies, Skynet is trying to kill Sarah and John Connor, sending various terminators from the future to hunt them down. So my question is: who made the time machine to go back to past?...
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SkyNet: all life or just humans?

I am watching Sarah Connor Chronicles and in the episode 'Alison from Palmdale' she encounters not just caged and unhappy humans (who have not been caged too long) but also unhappy animals including a ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Can terminators detect each other?

Can terminators sense and detect each other from, say, electromagnetic emissions they presumably radiate? In Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger (T800) and Patrick (T1000) are reasonably close to each other ...
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Can a Terminator be bargained with?

Kyle Reese's laying out the facts for Sarah, he tells her how goal-oriented Terminators are. To be clear, I mean the original model we see in the first movie; it is clear that later models probably ...
releseabe's user avatar
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What happened to Sarah Connor after "The Terminator"?

What happened to Sarah Connor after The Terminator? How did she learn all about weapons and how did she and John know those people in the desert that had all the weapons? In T2, when they meet up, it ...
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What is the source of this female terminator image?

What is the source of this female terminator image?
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How did Grace know about Carl's location?

In Terminator: Dark Fate, when Grace analyses Sarah's phone she finds that they came from Laredo, Texas. She then points out that her Commander had just tattooed these coordinates on her body (sounds ...
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Which source book does this page (featuring the outline of a terminator anatomy) come from?

Which source book does this page (featuring the outline of a terminator anatomy) come from?
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How could the Terminator develop an affection for humans?

In most of the Terminator movies, Terminators are shown killing numerous people who get in their way, without remorse. They also kill anyone who tries to help their target. So after terminating John ...
shanu's user avatar
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How did Legion replace Skynet?

In the movies previous to Terminator: Dark Fate, the AI of the future was Skynet, which was (via a causal time loop) bootstrapped from the remains of the original Terminator. But in Dark Fate, Skynet ...
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