I am Giacomo Alessandroni and I'm MD in Electronic Engineering at Polytechnic University of the Marches, Ancona, Italy, in 1999. Thesis Title: "Hemodynamic Signal Processing, and Comparison of Models of the Carotid Circulation". I've developed dedicated software for the Bioengineering Department, and tutored students at the Bioengineering Laboratory.
In March 2016 I am Pd.D. in Science of Earth, Science of Complexity at University of Urbino. My field of research is Digital Signals Processing. I have developed a maths model for studying the road surface via mobile devices. Now, the results of this project are freely downloaded at SmartRoadSense.
I Teach Electronics and Telecommunication since 1999 and I'm habilitate as engineer since same year; I'm enrolled in the IEEE Signal Processing Society and in the Italian Engineers Society since 2013.