When using Hammer.js with jquery mobile, its "Pinch" event isn't working well in Android, but it's working well in iOS.
I'm developing a mobile mail system like Gmail, so the detail page of an email will be zoomed in/out using both jquery-mobile and hammer.js.
Besides, it will be needed to enable the vertical scrolling actions including the div area that Hammer was applied to.
Below is the sample code for that.
// Pinch Event
var ham = $('.mail_body').hammer({
drag: true,
drag_block_vertical: false,
drag_block_horizontal: false,
drag_lock_to_axis: false,
prevent_default: false,
prevent_mouseevents: true,
show_touches: false,
stop_browser_behavior: {},
swipe: false,
touch: true
Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance for your help.