I use Hammerjs for swiping and tapping. However as soon as I start using it on any element

var hammer = new Hammer(document.getElementById("square"));

the default browser's behavior for "pinch" gestures (zooming in or out) stops working.

Since I don't need any custom handling for pinch, I tried to disable the event recognizer like this:

hammer.get("pinch").set({enable: false});

No luck. The following jsfiddle illustrates the problem.

How can I keep my "swipe" handlers and let the browser do its job on pinch?

2 Answers 2


As it is pointed out in this question

{touchAction : "auto"}

is the way to go. Here is the corrected jsfiddle.

  • this seems to horribly break everything else. for instance, for pan events, a smooth pan gives 1-5 pan events before the pan terminates, even though it really hasn't! I have seen various things about using preventDefault, some including nonsense events like "tap" on document, none of which have fixed the issue for me.
    – Michael
    Commented Feb 18, 2018 at 18:26

When you configure Hammer you need to define a touchAction eg.

      touchAction: "auto"

and in some cases an inputClass

      inputClass: Hammer.TouchInput

to keep the default browser behaviour as well.

eg with angular you can create such a config:

export class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig {
  override buildHammer = (element: HTMLElement) => {
    const mc = new Hammer(element, {
      touchAction: "auto",
      inputClass: Hammer.TouchInput,
    return mc;

  override overrides = <never>{
    'swipe': {
      enable: true,
      direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL

and feed it in @NgModule providers:

  providers: [
      useClass: MyHammerConfig

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