I have a problem.

I want to use spinner when listing data with Vue. But not by giving setTimeout, I want the text loading to appear during the actual loading of the data and unload when the browser completes the loading process.

How can I do that?

// Project List
getAllList: function(){
            app.listContent = response.data.listPro;

}, 2000)


1 Answer 1


Define a loading progress of data fetching.

  • // 0 = not started
  • // 1 = loading started
  • // 2 = loading completed without problem
  • // 3 = there is a problem.

in data define a process prop.

   return {
      loading: 0

then you can use the loading in the method.

getAllList: function(){
 this.loading = 1 
 const self = this
    app.listContent = response.data.listPro;
    self.loading = 2
 .catch(err => {
    self.loading = 3

if you don't want to reach data object by using const self then use () =>

 .then((response) => {
    this.listContent = response.data.listPro;
    this.loading = 2

if loading == 2 then show the text. if not then handle it differently...

  • It detects loading 1 but does not go to loading 2. Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 7:37
  • I also added the version of this.
    – firefly
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 7:59

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