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How can mock a component child to test the parent standalone component in Angular

I converted all of my Angular components to standalone components. However, I'm encountering issues with my unit tests. The tests that were previously working are now failing. I try to pass a mock ...
bluesky777's user avatar
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Angular 17 NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken auth0.client

I am working on an Angular project and getting a NullInjectorError as soon as I add Auth0 to a standalone component. The full error message is: [vite] Internal server error: R3InjectorError(Standalone[...
Auclown's user avatar
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Angular-Slickgrid in angular version 18

I am trying to configuring Angular-Slickgrid in Angular version 18.0.0 by following Angular-Slickgrid documentation. But I am getting an error in chrome browser saying NullInjectorError: No provider ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Module for Library classes with Angular 17

In the "domain" layer, usually I have classes like: Entity type Entity Service Entity Mapper Entity Store In the "view/feature" layer I need only the Entity and Store classes so ...
Zsolt's user avatar
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Angular Library Exporting Standalone Components

I created an Angular library with a standalone component: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-form-error', standalone: true, imports: [], template: ` <...
Stef's user avatar
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ion-picker does not work correctly after migration to ionic v.8 standalone component based app

I developed my first app in ionic 7 and few days back I read about ionic 8 being released so I decided to migrate to the newest version and with it also switch to standalone components based ...
p_s's user avatar
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Angular: When to use signal() vs model()?

When should we use signal() vs model() in Angular? Angular says the following: ModelSignal is a WritableSignal which means that its value can be changed from anywhere using the set and update methods....
O S's user avatar
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how to build child routes based on service response

I want to load different component with dependent resolver which has same path value in child routes parent: path: 'test', loadChildren: () => import('./myRoutingModule').then( (m) => ...
super cool's user avatar
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Issue in ng 17 with standalone component imported from outside the angular workspace

Sequence git clone cd multi_ws_issue cd a npm i ng build Unexpected result $ ng build Application bundle generation failed. [6.929 seconds] X [...
thomas's user avatar
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How to add ion-item to the ion-list in custom order?

I have a batches of items that are received as user perform ion-infinite-scroll. What I want is to be able to add ion-list items upward rather than downward. I tried Ionic 2 how to make ion-list grow ...
user_1357's user avatar
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NG0204: Can't resolve all parameters for CookieService: (?, ?, ?)

I have an Angular application, using Angular 16, in standalone mode. I want to use the service from ngx-cookie. So I declared it in "app.config.ts": ... export const appConfig: ...
mikael's user avatar
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Angular 17 external configuration

I am building a standalone Angular 17 app and I have come to the point where I want to have an external configuration file, where I could place the Rest API URL for example. I searched the web and ...
Bilbo's user avatar
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How do I use a standalone angular component in a module?

According to the docs, this should be easy peasy, so I'm obviously missing something vital. I have a minimal test project in preparation for possibly migrating a rather large angular application to ...
angelika's user avatar
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Notification.requestPermission() on Angular 17 standalone + PWA + Firebase chrome/safari compatibility

I'm trying to set up Firebase Cloud Messaging but I'm having compatibility issues with Safari I don't know if it's due to the script or the test http-server I'm running it on. Since @angular/fire is ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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How to use standalone angular storybook component in another standalone angular storybook component

Created Icon storybook component and converted this to standalone component.Want to use this IconComponent in Alert Storybook Component. below is icon.stories.ts file import { Meta, StoryFn, ...
purnima kamble's user avatar

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