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Simple helloworld WebService using asmx not working when published on Windows 2008 R2 IIS 7.5

I have a windows 2008 r2 server running IIS 7(Yes it is old this is what is available for me). It has a website running at port 8080. I have created an Empty Template ASP.NET web application. Then I ...
HellOfACode's user avatar
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Class not Registered error in IIS Published WebService

I'm developing a WebService and i use COM reference (dll file. I add this reference in project). When i run my webservice through VisualStudio, all works fine. But, When i publish the webserver in ...
FelipeFonsecabh's user avatar
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playback asmx traffic with parameters

I have looked into the iis logs and can see a post verb for calls made to asmx services. Is there any way to identify the parameters passed when calling the web methods. I am analysing an application ...
Tarun Arora's user avatar
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Trying to fix an old webservice

I have been given an old web service project to fix quickly. I know it's not WCF but this was written a long time ago and the people are not here anymore. The person managing the webserver doesn't ...
MonkeyMagix's user avatar
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Ssl System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException:

I have a web service and it is working properly when i test is but when i try to use it inside of a client application with a self created ssl certificate i am getting this error The remote ...
Tartar's user avatar
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The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

Currently migrating a number of .NET 2.0/4.0 apps to Windows server 2008 r2, IIS7.5 One of the apps uses a web service (.asmx) but for some reason the server returns a 404 Not found and within the ...
D00gle's user avatar
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How to Enforce HTTPS For ASMX Service

I have a number of existing ASMX web services running on IIS7, and want to change them so that all requests and responses must be made over HTTPS. The site is also running other pages like PHP and ...
neildt's user avatar
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Asmx web service sometimes won't respond

I have a .asmx web service on SharedHosting server which won't respond in some cases. It works when suddenly it stopped working and doesn't work for a couple hours and it work againg. When it stopped ...
skomi's user avatar
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Cannot invoke ASMX Method on IIS7.5

I've already been looking for a solution to this the whole day now. I've got problems with asmx webservices on a server of a customer. They seem to be deployed properly as I can call the asmx file ...
andre.b's user avatar
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How I get the Windows Mode rights in my asmx about aspx about client

I built a ASP.NET Webapllication that create a User in our ActiveDirectory but if I install it on the IIS7 I get a Error with not rights to add a User in Ad. Now I want create a Service that can do ...
Tarasov's user avatar
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Getting .asmx file in browser is fine, getting .asmx?WSDL returns an empty page

I created a webservice in a .dll and put this in the windows\assembly directory. I followed all steps shown in the following URL and stopped at the paragraph "Creating a Windows Application to Consume ...
Alexander Günzel's user avatar
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New IIS 7.5 Installation On Windows 7 Generates Error 500 Without Logging Details When Posting ASMX Request

On my new(ish) Windows 7 x64 development laptop on which I've just installed IIS, I'm trying to run an .asmx web service compiled with .NET 4.0 and installed with an MSI from a setup project. But ...
ALEXintlsos's user avatar
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IIS 7 Logging Web Service methods

I have a web service (not a WCF service) hosted under IIS 7, the web service has two methods: method1, and method2. I am looking to differentiate between the requests for method1, versus the requests ...
Life is more than this's user avatar
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349 views web services (.asmx) and parallel processing

We have written a web service method which returns the Graphic Images generated using the Microsoft WPF (hence STA model). This is working absolutely fine apart from the load balancing. When the ...
Abdullah's user avatar
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How to hide ASP.NET webservice methods?

We have these SOAP methods running on a single .asmx URL. But we would like to hide some methods from a given user. We have 2 users, each one shouldn't see the methods used by the other. I think we ...
Jader Dias's user avatar
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