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How do I make a WSDL generated by a desktop proyect automatically, resemble another WSDL generated by a web service?

This is my first time as a poster since years of bein a lurker here. I'll also take this opportunity to thank all this community for their help consistently over the years. Thank you! It's also my ...
StackHelp's user avatar
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Modify WSDL Output Schema on ASMX .net

Im having an issue with asmx output schemas, I also tried WCF method. But still failed I create a WSDL with .net ASMX and wanted to have an output like this Expected result But my code ...
Ferial Fahlevi's user avatar
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SoapCore service always returns WSDL

I have a simple SoapCore service with some methods specified. When I load the ASMX page it shows the WSDL, but instead I would like to have a UI being shown from where I could call the web service ...
James's user avatar
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Is it possible to return different values depending on the number of times a machine made a request to an asmx web server, if so how?

I am new to C# and Web Services so for better understanding I am gonna ask using an example. I have a WebService1.asmx.cs that can do 4 math operations with 2 given integers. Is it possible to use a ...
Sapdek Apdük's user avatar
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How can I force the .NET ASMX WSDL generation to change a soap:address location from http to https?

Using VB.NET asmx project, which is hosted behind SSL offload, I need to change the generated WSDL to show https for the soap:address. from: <soap:address location="
Jim Hankins's user avatar
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PHP: why do arrays with one element get treated as objects when consuming an ASMX function? [duplicate]

PHP seems to treat one element arrays as objects when returned from an ASMX web service. This can be problematic for example when using the count() function, where the supplied argument may not end up ...
Notaras's user avatar
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ping NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at ...>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out'))

I am very new to wsdl, asmx, client, zeep and other topics related to SOAP APIs, and I have to fix a system of "REST, SOAP APIs - service", made in Python by others. Currently I am working ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Upgrading a Web Reference in a VB.Net Class Library Project

Our vendor has upgraded their SOAP Offering and we need to reference another WSDL file and change the url for the .asmx file to the newer versions. What is the best way to do this with minimum ...
Sarfaraz Jamal's user avatar
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How to make authenticated connection to web service with python?

I'm trying to authenticate the connection with the soap API on Python. The program is simple, If authenticated is true, printing "hello world", or authenticated is wrong, printing "...
ORHAN ERDAY's user avatar
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How to bypass certificate validations when using generated proxy layer from asmx wsdl

I have an asmx web service that communicates with another asmx web service through the generated proxy service layer, however, due to some constraints, I need to disable certificates validation when ...
David's user avatar
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Error $Meta - Windows Application Connecting To ASP.NET Web Service SOAP/WSDL Connection

We moved our Web Service .asmx application to another server. So nothing has changed but the web address. We can access the new web services and WSDL through a browser and also invoke this way. We ...
moto_geek's user avatar
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Visual Studio 19. Don't add webasm service

I am trying to connect a web service(see ) using the VS 2019 menu "Add Service Reference" as an asmx web service. The service is determined, a ...
K Biuev's user avatar
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Why chaninging in wsdl made my service work?

I have a soap web service which is working ok on the local server but not accessible from the outside and fails with the error that HTTP header not found. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://...
Stackyboy's user avatar
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Why the WSDL is including the web method name in its structure?

I have a web service. [WebMethod] public void SI_Equipment_Out_Async(DT_Equipment MT_Equipment) { //Internal working } When I generate a wsdl out of it. It is like <soapenv:...
Stackyboy's user avatar
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Is there a way to manage "maxOccurs" property for sequence element in asmx service?

I'm trying to find a way "maxOccurs" property for an array in my asmx web service response. I know there is no .NET standart way to manage that, but it can be done in WCF (svc) services via custom ...
s1e's user avatar
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