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ASP.NET CheckBox to call code behind after js confirm() returns true

i would like to achieve if the checkbox is checked or unchecked, prompt a confirmation message. after that only perform code behind logic to update database. But then i realised that the __doPostBack ...
Chew Hong Yu's user avatar
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ASP VB.Net Check Boxes in GridView not working getting error BC30311 value of type 'Control' cannot be conveted to CheckBox

I have added a check box to a working gridview as below. <asp:Panel ID="Reasons" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <div class="container&...
Charles S's user avatar
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A gridview that consist of two columns named as Present and pres [duplicate]

The problem is I have a lot of rows in gridview but when I checked a certain or any Checkbox, I wasn't able to add 1 in present column. I just try that whenever I click a any Checkbox under column ...
Ali Shan's user avatar
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Incrementing a Count column by clicking a Checkbox column in a DataGridView

The problem is I have a lot of rows in gridview but when I checked a certain or any Checkbox, I wasn't able to add 1 in count column. I just need a code that whenever in any row of gridview I check a ...
Ali Shan's user avatar
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64 views check/uncheck all checkboxes inside gridview

I have this gridview: <asp:GridView DataKeyNames="IdUtente" runat="server" ID="grdUtenti" AllowPaging="True" CssClass="tablestyle" ...
Gabriele Cozzolino's user avatar
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How can I give check box in gridview a value that is not from the data source?

I have this gridview on an aspx page (Web form): <asp:GridView ID="GridView" runat="server" showheader=false BorderStyle="None"CellPadding="4" GridLines=&...
KK2007's user avatar
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How can I check a checkbox in gridview based on a condition?

I have gridview on an aspx page (web form) with a check box and Id (the Id's are from a table of Id's). In the code behind the page (c#), I get a list of Id's. I want that all of the check boxes that ...
KK2007's user avatar
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How can I change the state of checkboxs from a gridview in c#?

I have a gridview on an aspx page (WebForm) that has item name and checkbox. In the code behind in c#, I get a list of items names and I want that the checkboxes next to the items I already have will ...
TUK's user avatar
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Remove space between checkbox and text in CheckboxListTile using GridView - Flutter

How can I remove the space between Text widget and checkbox in Flutter CheckboxListTile? I want to have 12 items, in 4 rows, in every row 3 of them and I have lots of unused space (and because of that ...
Skar's user avatar
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How to get specific checkbox function per row in a gridview C#

I am making a system that have many checkboxes per cell in a gridview. I want to be able to use individual functions for each of the checkboxes. enter image description here For example, if the row 1 ...
Dezmond's user avatar
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Gridview: Check only one Checkbox at a time

Context: I have a gridview with checkboxes on each row. The user is able to select a row by checking a checkbox in order to submit that info and progress through the app. Question: Is it possible to ...
ServalChan's user avatar
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Align checkbox sat outside of Gridview to checkboxes (one column) within Gridview

I'm at a loss trying to align a standalone checkbox sat outside of the grid to a column containing checkboxes within it, the grid adjusts in width each view based on content returned. My thinking was ...
IchBinDicky's user avatar
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aspnet 2.0 GridView Get value CheckBox create dynamically

I created an asp page with a GridView with a text column and n columns with dynamic checkboxes. <asp:GridView ID="gridAssetto" runat="server" Width="100%" GridLines=&...
Massimo B's user avatar
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asp net c# get value of specific row in gridview using checkbox

I have a gridview with three columns admin id, admin name and checkbox, and there is a single button below the gridview, I want to get the value of admin name column and display it in a label when I ...
jim's user avatar
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Gridview Cell Color needs to change based on CheckBox checked in keep getting errors

I have a Gridview (ASP.NET / C#) that currently changes color based on dates provided by the user. Past Due is Red, Future or Current Date is white (Which Works Nicely!). I have also provided a ...
Margaret Barker's user avatar

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