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Table stops rendering when moving the blade.php file

I got a blade.php table that renders from a index method of a controller with a @foreach method, I need to move this file in a subdirectory folder to work around some url directions on the controller, ...
Kuo's user avatar
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How to show results of the POST request on the Frontend of my website with PHP?

I have a very simple REST API script in PHP that is supposed to receive a JSON file sent via POST Rest API request from a Low-Code platform called Retool(not important to the question, but may be it ...
Sergey Bobkov's user avatar
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Problem with tailwind styling in blade component

I am trying to create a radio button where the background color changes depending on the option you select. But anytime I click on the first option the second option retains the background color. But ...
Mahfuz Abdallah's user avatar
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Livewire does not keep value

I have a form where I set a mount of one ingredient, but the form takes value of wire:model that is using, but i want to show value o "value" Function is working, and im sure form is taking ...
Dorian Laguna's user avatar
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Purge css returning only commented code instead of used css

I am trying to use purgecss on windows however the code returns commented code when it should return css that is used Can someone tell me why?How to fix? The directory structure in the cmd command is ...
ssc1234's user avatar
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Shopware 6: How to add custom PHP code to frontend / theme (eg. footer)

What is the best way, to add custom PHP code to my Shopware 6 Shop and how to do this? I need the code executed in all pages (so maybe simply add to the footer or header). Sample code: <?php for ($...
XXL-Webdesign's user avatar
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Can not make the search bar and the results appear on the same page

I am making a website. It requires two drop-downs and one search field. Depending on the value user provides, PHP will show the search result just below of that in one page. But the search bar and ...
Sad- A ProgramoPhile's user avatar
-2 votes
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I am trying to run a laravel application but i am getting this error [duplicate]

My composer.json file { "name": "laravel/laravel", "description": "The Laravel Framework.", "keywords": ["framework", "...
Arun Sharma's user avatar
-2 votes
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how to get errors from laravel in response in flutter

i am trying to get the validations errros on signup but the flutter is just showing error code with the string but as we know laravel send whole array of errors which i am unable to get here is my ...
Harris's user avatar
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how i can show my *.pdf files from storage/?

I have a project with Laravel & Livewire, in a component i save a *.pdf on app/storage/public/documents/*MiFiles.pdf, save the path in field of my database ($document->content), when i apply ...
Julian Rodríguez's user avatar
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Storing user input from multiple fields in different columns of Laravel database table

I have a iage selling and buying multi vendor site like shutterstock and it was developed with laravel php. And there is a page called payouts and it refers to the withdrawals-configure.blade.php. ...
Malindu's user avatar
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JavaScript front-end data to PHP back-end

I have a JavaScript Code with a variable "dictionary" with JSON content. I need a function (saveData()) which sends the Data to the PHP back-end to save it in the database. That's my current ...
Kugelfisch's user avatar
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Real-time notifications using Laravel Livewire

Specifically, I am trying to alert a user when he/she has a message. The problem is that once a message is sent, the inbox count does not update until I reload the page. I want to Update the view with ...
jay4592's user avatar
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Implementing Live Reloading for WordPress and Vue Development on Localhost

I am currently developing a Vue application as a WordPress theme and need to establish communication between WordPress and Vue using PHP. To achieve this, I need to run both the WordPress server and ...
Zoe Smith's user avatar
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Unknown character after migrating database like "Famous Paintings�Birds"

Did you see that? Unknown character after migrating database! I've moved a website from one Server to another one. After moving the site, it's working fine except this thing. The unknown characters, ...
Crawl Cats Admin's user avatar

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