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Get query using Url Wordpress ? wp rest api

I have a post type Properties. Property have their name(Title) image(Featured Image) and Locations(Acf Field). so i want to extract the exact property. from frontend i have a search form in which i am ...
nitin sharma's user avatar
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SVGs Display in Local Development (MAMP) but Not in Production (Nginx) on WordPress Site

I’m experiencing an issue with SVGs not displaying on my WordPress website when it is live (hosted via Nginx), although they work perfectly fine in my local development environment using MAMP. Here ...
stefane9's user avatar
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Wordpress - Frontend file upload and restrict acces by member groups

Im looking for a plugin or solution that can do this: Registred user can upload files via fronted. The file should by accessed hierachicaly. Via diagram -> User B uploads file from website fronted. ...
Oggy's user avatar
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Change logo svg color on scroll in Elementor

I need to change the color of the logo in elementor using a filter In theory it should be like this, but it doesn't work selector .elementor-widget-image{ filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) ...
Дмитрий Выхованец's user avatar
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Vite/react showing blank page

I'm useing vite react to make simple site and it all the time is working good but after I have running Local wordpress site after this he shows me blank page, I have wapplyzer extension is shows CMC ...
abdulmalik ali's user avatar
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Problem to publish my updates in wordpress

I have a website in wordpress, but when I modified using BeaverBuilder, the changes appear just for me on my browser, but it is not published for other persons. And I Applied to publish for the ...
Simone KF's user avatar
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Wordpress - Insert icon next to text

I'm new to this frontend area (freelance backend) and I needed some help. I simply need to put that WhatsApp icon before the phone... But I'm taking a hell of a chorus (missing Java... lol) Can ...
Patrick de Souza Teixeira's user avatar
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How can I combine Wordpress Backend and my own front-end design without removing the current blogs and changing the upload system?

I can't find any way to do so, I do not have constant access to the backend wordpress system however, I can get access for setup. I've designed and creating a responsive website using CSS HTML and JS ...
Hektor Gaming's user avatar
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Implementing Live Reloading for WordPress and Vue Development on Localhost

I am currently developing a Vue application as a WordPress theme and need to establish communication between WordPress and Vue using PHP. To achieve this, I need to run both the WordPress server and ...
Zoe Smith's user avatar
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Fonts displaying strange + character

I am working on a project, and I used the Khmer language (Khmer is a language of cambodia) on my page. I added the language using the link from the google font, but somewhere in the text it is ...
Rahul Agarwal's user avatar
-2 votes
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Advanced custom field with short codes

Can i display the data which are in the advanced custom fields using shortcodes without editing theme codes, in my web page front end. If the answer is yes, how can i do this? If not are there any ...
Luchiru Dilmith's user avatar
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How to update meta value to exactly what it appears at frontend?

I tried updating a meta value from wordpress frontend using the following code: function code_form() { $content = ''; $content .= '<h2> code </h2>'; $content .='<form method="post&...
Hao Huang's user avatar
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Wordpress: How to create frontend table using data from backend DB table

I am relatively new to WP, and am trying to figure out if the following can be done, or if a plugin exists? I am looking to save data (500K+ rows) into a SQL table (maybe a new table in WP database), ...
chhibbz's user avatar
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Adding video with screen mockup frame in Elementor

I need to embed the video in the empty screen frame using Elementor page builder. How can I do that? It has to be added on this empty frame like it's shown up
Salome's user avatar
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I need to change the link for a specific button above 768px width with jQuery

I have an issue with a facebook button on my wordpress site, in mobile it was opening browsers instead of opening the fb app, so I changed the link to a fb:// but now on desktop it throws a message ...
SamberJac's user avatar

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