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I am getting "Cannot resolve method 'snapToRoads()' " error for the following to fix it?

I am trying to use Google Roads api, in which want to call a method snapToRoads, but I am facing an issue. I tried to use other method of snapToRoads, but it also shows same error LatLng[] page = ...
Prasad Kawalekar's user avatar
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Draw custom route on map [duplicate]

I have university area and its Google map routing is undefined inside university. I want to define the roads from academic building to parking because inside university the route on the map not shown....
Muhammad's user avatar
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Is there a good way to minimize load on Google Maps Roads API?

I am developing a proof of concept/prototype for an internal tool. The basic premise is, that we have a couple of units that have a GPS on them, and they report their location (with typical GPS ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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How to extract the Lat/Long from Google Maps RoadsApi from a SnappedPoints response?

I am using the Google Maps Java API for the RoadsApi: Docs: API: My request is ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Google Apis Nearest Roads to snap roads

I am new to use Google api nearest roads to snap the roads. I was trying as in the below link: Google api for nearest road If I have to try the
pgman's user avatar
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PolyLine is not on the roads: it goes straight from one point to other

My map contains multiple points to tap the location of the user from where he passes, but the polyline is not shown on the roads, but shows a direct line from one marker to other. I want my polyline ...
Rana Arslan's user avatar
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Match two java collections by property avoiding ConcurrentModificationException (example of Google Roads api)

I haven't found any similar questions, where one collection is accessed while looping through another. Most of the questions about two collections and loops refer to simultaneous looping through both ...
Valeriya's user avatar
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How to request in roads api using snap to roads?

i would like to use the roads api to get the distance of my currentlocation and add the list of Latlng in onLocationChanged and to snap a set of coordinates (approx 100~200 points) to roads and that ...
Aiiz Cabuhat Ü's user avatar
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Android Google Maps Polyline not showing on Map

I have made a class that have a method and a locaton listener. The locationListener will be executed every 2 seconds , gets the lat longs and will pass it to the Async Task. The Async Task class will ...
Akshay Sood's user avatar