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v-touch not working when scrollable in mobile

I'm using vue-js 2.0 and vue-touch to make swipe possible in mobile. If I initialize my div as follows: <v-touch v-on:swipeleft="nextDay" v-on:swiperight="previousDay" class="page-content" :style=...
Asqan's user avatar
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Using Hammerjs for pinch and zoom on image

So I have a header.. and an image. On tablet I want to be able to pinch and zoom into the image but i'm struggling. I've looked at other similar questions. But as I'm still learning, i'm not fully ...
pourmesomecode's user avatar
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Implement a vertical scrolling on a canvas

I try to implement a vertical scroller with touch pan event on a large background in a HTML5 canvas. I use hammer JS to recognize pan gesture: It works fine when I move y ...
user2487815's user avatar
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Hammer.js - links not working on Android

Working on a project that uses Hammer.js. Everything is working fine on iPhone, however on Android the links in my footer aren't working on the pages that use Hammer.js. I'm using a php include for ...
Pdnell's user avatar
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